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Gabe Steinmeyer Red Sea Terror Triangle: Pt. 1 Sudan.

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1 Gabe Steinmeyer Red Sea Terror Triangle: Pt. 1 Sudan

2 Sudan Increased Ties with Iran –Dec 8 th, Iran's 23 rd Fleet docked in Port Sudan Iranian Destroyer (Jamaran) and logistical vessel (Bushehr) –Sudan will allow Iran to establish naval and/or military base in Port Sudan –Sudan Commander Abdullah Al- Matari: enhanced military ties with Iran and the establishment of marine security is a priority for both nations.

3 Sudan Sudan wants security from further Israeli Aggression - Oct 24 th, Khartoum's Yarmouk weapons facility bombed. Israel presumed responsible.

4 Sudan Iran desires strong ally in Africa –Iran Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar: “Sudan is the pivot of Iran-Africa relations.” –History of cooperation between countries. –March 2008, Mutual Defense Agreement to strengthen peace and security in Horn of Africa

5 Sudan Problems –Gulf states do not like this alliance Gulf states provide financial and economic assistance and have expand investments in Sudan. Gulf states might deny Sudan investments as they fear Iranian influence in the region. Nov 1 st, Foreign Minister Ali Karti warned National Congress Party decisions need to be made on how deep ties with Iran should be. Projections –Expect further increase in relations with Iran. Military Base, Trade, Arms Deals, etc. –Depending on level of alliance with Iran, Gulf support could vanish.

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