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January 27, 2016 MONTHLY LEGISLATIVE UPDATE. AGENDA 1.YWCA Brand Update 2.Federal Policy Overview, 114 th Congress (2 nd Session) 3.Executive Action on.

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Presentation on theme: "January 27, 2016 MONTHLY LEGISLATIVE UPDATE. AGENDA 1.YWCA Brand Update 2.Federal Policy Overview, 114 th Congress (2 nd Session) 3.Executive Action on."— Presentation transcript:


2 AGENDA 1.YWCA Brand Update 2.Federal Policy Overview, 114 th Congress (2 nd Session) 3.Executive Action on Guns 4.CCDBG Update 5.Local Association Updates 6.Announcements 2

3 Welcome and Introductions CATHERINE BEANE Vice President, Public Policy and Advocacy Email:; QUDSIA RAJA Advocacy and Policy Manager, Health & Safety Email:; Portfolio includes: domestic and sexual violence, VAWA/VOCA, gun violence. Also available for inquiries regarding: Week Without Violence (WWV) and the Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Mission Impact Group. DANIELLE MARSE-KAPR Communications and Marketing Manager Email:; TRALONNE SHORTER Senior Advocacy and Policy Associate, Racial Justice and Civil Rights Email:; Portfolio includes: voting rights, racial profiling, affirmative action, and hate crimes. Also available for inquiries regarding: Stand Against Racism (SAR) and the Racial Justice and Civil Rights Mission Impact Group (RJMIG) HOLLY JONES Director of Member Services Email:; Leads local association advocacy capacity building and voter mobilization work. 3

4 4 YWCA IS ON A MISSION: CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED MONDAY! Danielle Marse-Kapr, Communications & Marketing Manager will answer: What has happened so far What is coming Where can I find the information How can #OnAMission support my advocacy goals? Questions?

5 FEDERAL POLICY OVERVIEW: 114 th CONGRESS (2 nd SESSION) Key Issues: Passing Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act Consolidating federal anti-poverty programs Completing the federal spending process Continuing attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) 5

6 EXECUTIVE ACTIONS ON GUNS Jan. 5, 2016: Pres. Obama issued executive actions to reduce gun violence These actions will: –Improve upon current background check system to keep guns out of the hands of abusers; –Strengthen relationships between direct service providers and the U.S. Attorney’s Office (USAO) to better address the needs of victims of DV White House factsheet on executive actionsfactsheet USAO guidance encouraging U.S. to continue outreach, coordination, and training with DV service providersUSAO guidance 6

7 CCDBG UPDATE Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) HHS proposed rule to amend the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) regulationsproposed rule Organizations are encouraged to submit commentssubmit Deadline on or before February 22, 2016 State Resources: ograms/occ/resource/pi- 2015-02 7

8 CCDBG CHANGES Background checks to be performed of all persons residing in the house 18 and over (Click here to read more)here Changes to maximum staff capacity for child centers by age (Click here to read more)here Requires the Lead Agency to certify in its CCDF Plan that payment rates for CCDF subsidies are sufficient to ensure equal access for eligible children to child care services that are comparable to children whose parents are not eligible to receive child care assistance (Click here to read more)here 8

9 LOCAL ASSOCIATION UPDATES YWCA NCA: Democratic Equality for DC YWCA Madison: Youth Restorative Justice 9

10 YWCA NATIONAL CAPITAL AREA: DEMOCRATIC EQUALITY FOR DC Presented by: Shana Heilbron, Chief Development & Communications Officer, YWCA NCA 10

11 THE ISSUE The denial of equal congressional voting rights to the citizens of Washington, DC is a serious human rights violation The local laws and local budget of DC require the approval of Congress, the only jurisdiction in the nation with this burden DC residents can vote for President, but have no voting representation in Congress 11

12 DC is home to 660,000 Americans, living in more than 120 unique neighborhoods The $12.5 billion local economy is larger than the budgets of 12 states 12 THE FACTS

13 POLL QUESTION #1 Do you favor or oppose giving citizens who live in Washington, DC voting representation in Congress? 13


15 POLL QUESTION #2 To provide full Congressional representation for residents of Washington, DC, would you favor or oppose making Washington, DC a state? 15

16 DC VS. WYOMING Population –DC: 581,530WY: 515,004 Senate Votes –DC: 0WY: 2 House Votes –DC: 0WY: 1 Federal Taxes –Residents from both jurisdictions pay federal taxes National Voting Status –DC: PresidentWY: President & Congress 16

17 WE NEED YOUR HELP Contact your members of Congress and local legislators Ask them to support legislation that supports DC Equality –S. 1688 and HR 317: “New Columbia Admission Act” Join the movement on social media – use the hashtag #YWCASUPPORTSDC Sign the DC Vote petition and learn more by visiting 17

18 STILL NOT CONVINCED? Check out John Oliver’s recent endorsement of the issue! 18


20 YWCA MADISON: RESTORATIVE JUSTICE Presented by: Carousel Bayrd Policy and Partnership Coordinator Restorative Justice Department, YWCA Madison Started September 2015 High arrest rates for youth of color In 16 Madison and County Public Schools Diverse Partnerships 20

21 OUR PROGRAM Trained 400+ middle and high school students to be Restorative Justice circle keepers Trained 200+ school staff members to support students running circles 51% of students referred to restorative justice circles are students of color 85% of all youth referred to restorative justice in schools completed their RJ agreement and had no other disciplinary action against them that school year 21

22 PARTNERSHIPS Madison Police Department Madison Municipal Court Dane County Human Services YWCA Restorative Justice Circles TimeBank Dane County Peer Court Briarpatch Youth Services Peer Court Restorative Justice Collaborative (created for this initiative with dozens of other groups) State of Wisconsin Grant-- Brighter Futures Initiatives State-Grant to address challenges youth face 22

23 PROCESS: WHAT IS THE RJ PROGRAM? Youth Opting-In to the Program Intake Process Sharing of Data Restorative Justice Circle or Peer Court Resources to support youth Reporting Success 23

24 SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES SUCCESSES Respect and Understanding of Restorative Justice 115 Referrals, 94 opted in (81.7%!) 77% referred are youth of color referred, 80% opting in is youth of color CHALLENGES Requiring youth to opt-in-- tracking down youth Staffing the work-- desire for the program to be bigger than a pilot should be Getting all the different groups to work together 24

25 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mission Impact Group: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Discussion questions for Jan. 28 th call: Do you currently use Allstate’s financial literacy curriculum? –If so, why? –If not, why not? If you don’t use it, what alternative curriculums and/or programs do you use? How do you measure success for the completion of the curriculum? What are the top two pros of Allstate’s financial literacy curriculum? What are the top two cons of Allstate’s financial literacy curriculum? If you had the opportunity to create a financial literacy program, what would it look like? To join this call, please RSVP here or email qraja@ywca.orgRSVP Meeting time: Thursday, January 28, 3PM EST 25

26 STAY CONNECTED & ENGAGED Share what you learn from your outreach in local communities by emailing us: For the most updated list of bills YWCA USA is tracking, visit: 26

27 UPCOMING CALLS All calls are at 3PM EST unless otherwise noted. February 24 March 23 April 27 May 25 Online meeting room: Call in number: 1-800-689-9374 Passcode: 920868 27

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