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Published byJessica Neal Modified over 8 years ago
Cymraeg/Welsh: GENRES: 1 ) Personal letter 2) Poetry 3) Newspaper Article Read and discuss a range of text – fiction, factual, newspaper reports etc Use of correct syntax and mutations within sentences – written and spoken Use of idioms in written work Correct use of male/female nouns Gwyddoniaeth/Science MAIN THEME – MATERIALS Differences between solids, liquids and gases Investigate how materials change – melt, solidify, evaporate, condense predict and explain outcomes of scientific investigations plan a fair test to investigate which solids dissolve / do not dissolve in water Mathemateg/Mathematics: Probability Use of inversions to check answers Understand the relationship and organize factions and decimals Develop mental arithmetic strategies Recognise and measure angles Understand which operation to choose to solve a problem Circles – radius, diameter and circumference. Use compasses to draw circles Weight – measure using scales Money English: GENRES 1) Explanation 2) Portrait Investigate verb tenses - past tense for historical reports Up level vocabulary using thesaurus, dictionary, mind map etc Use adverbs and powerful verbs Look at adjectives Read a variety of books and texts – both fact and fiction Hanes/History: The history and influence of Queen Victoria The British Empire Time linesshowing significant events Study life of a Victorian child School, work etc Industry Transport Education The Bute family and Cardiff Castle Celf/Art: Sketch pictures of some 19 th Century buildings Use “ perspective ” to draw a Victorian street Study and emulate the work of William Morris Draw a portrait of Queen Victoria Draw silhouettes of peers Daearyddiaeth/Geography: Locate Merthyr on a map and look at different routes to Merthyr from Creigiau Use co-ordinates to locate places of interest Investigate the countries of the British Empire Conduct a servey of where people work today in comparison to the 19 th Century Compare transport in both eras Investigate the effects of transport Addysg Gorfforol/Physical Education: Gymnastics – symmetrical and asymmetrical work on apparatus Dance – create and perform a dance based on the theme “Shoe Laces” Games – rugby and athletics/cricket T.G.Ch/I.C.T Use of Internet to enhance pupils ’ learning and understanding of era studied Use of I-pads to record work and activities Digital literacy and citizenship Use previous understanding and knowledge to produce a multimedia programme for other pupils Cerddoriaeth/Music: Learn to sing relevant songs e.g. Hen Feic Peniffardding, Myfanwy Compose a simple sound picture of a Victorian train station using a variety of instruments Perform, listen and appraise their own and others ’ work Listen and appraise different arrangements of “ Myfanwy ” Make use of the musical elements when discussing and appraising Addysg Grefyddol/Religious Studies: ABCh/PSE CHRISTIANITY Aspects of Christian Worship Christian festivals PSE Compare standards and living conditions, education, work and family life of 19 th C and today Importance of hygiene and health care Seal Programme – main theme “Go for it” Technoleg Dylunio/Design and Technology: Bake biscuits – taste a variety and discuss taste, shape etc Design boxes to hold their biscuits Use balsa wood to make simple a “ Welsh Not ” Cross-stitch Ysgol Gynradd Creigiau Primary School Thema/Theme: Life in the Nineteenth Century Dosbarth - 6 Class - Tymor y Gwanwyn 2016 Spring Term 2016
Cymraeg/Welsh: GENRES: 1) Llythyr Personol 2) Barddoniaeth 3) Erthygl Papur Newydddion Darllen ystod o destunau – ffuglen, gwybodaeth, papur newyddion, cylchgronnau a thrafod y cynnwys Patrymau iaith ac idiomau Datblygu cywirdeb iaith lafar ac ysgrifenedig – treigladau, sillafu a.y.b. Geiriau gwrywaidd / benywaidd Gwyddoniaeth/Science: PRIF THEMA – Deunyddiau’n newid Deall y gwahaniaeth rhwng solid, hylif a nwy ac adnabod eu priodweddau. Ymchwilio i sut mae gwahanol ddeunyddiau yn gallu newid – ymdoddi, anweddu, ymsolido a.y.b Rhagfynegi canlyniadau i brofion gwyddonol ac egluro canlyniadau Cynllunio prawf têg i weld pa ddeunyddiau sy’n toddi a pa rai nad sy’n toddi. Mathemateg/Mathematics: Tebygolrwydd Defnyddio gwrthdroadau i wirio atebion Ffracsiynau – symleiddio, trawsnewid yn ddegolion Mesur ac adnabod onglau Estyn strategaethau gwaith pen Cylchoedd – radiws, diamedr, cylchedd, llunio cylchoedd gyda cwmpasau Pwyso – defnyddio a darllen graddfeydd Rheoli Arian English: GENRES 1) Explanation 2) Portrait Investigate verb tenses - past tense for historical reports Up level vocabulary using thesaurus, dictionary, mind map etc Use adverbs and powerful verbs Look at adjectives Read a variety of books and texts – both fact and fiction Hanes/History: Hanes a dylanwad y Frenhines Fictoria Yr Ymerodraeth Brydeinig Llinellau amser yn dynodi digwyddiadau hanesyddol y cyfnod Bywyd plentyn – ysgol, gwaith a.y.b. Diwydiant Trafnidiaeth Addysg Teulu Bute a Castell Caerdydd Celf/Art: Braslunio lluniau o adeiladau ’ r cyfnod Defnyddio persbectif i dynnu llun o stryd Fictorianaidd Astudio ac efelychu gwaith William Morris Tynnu portread o ’ r Frenhines Fictoria Creu silwetau o bennau ei gilydd Daearyddiaeth/Geography: Lleoli Merthyr a defnyddio map i lunio gwahanol lwybrau yno Defnyddio cyfesurynnau i leoli mannau o ddiddordeb Ymchwilio i wledydd yr Ymerodraeth Brydeinig Arolwg o ble mae pobl yn gweithio heddiw o ’ i gymharu â phobl y 19 ganrif Cymharu dulliau teithio ’ r ddau gyfnod Effaith trafnidiaeth ar y gymdeithas Addysg Gorfforol/Physical Education: Gymnasteg – gwaith cymesur ac anghymesur ar gyfarpar. Dawns – creu a pherfformio dawns ar y thema “ Lasys Esgidiau ” Gemau – rygbi ac athletau/criced T.G.Ch/I.C.T Defnyddio’r wê i gyfoethogi dealltwriaeth i disgyblion o’r cyfnod Defnydd o i-pads i gofnodi gwaith a gweithgareddau Llythrennedd Digidol a Dinasyddiaeth Defnyddio sgiliau blaenorol i greu rhaglen amlgyfryngol ar gyfer disgyblion eraill Cerddoriaeth/Music: Dysgu caneuon perthnasol – Hen Feic Peniffardding, Myfanwy Cyfansoddi llun sain o orsaf dren Fictorianaidd gan ddefnyddio amrywiaeth o offerynnau Gwrando a gwerthuso gwaith ei gilydd Gwrando a gwerthuso gwahanol drefniadau o “ Myfanwy ” Defnyddio ’ r elfennau cerddorol wrth drafod a gwerthuso Addysg Grefyddol/Religious Studies: ABCh/PSE CRISTNOGAETH Agweddau o addoli’r Cristion Dathliadau Cristnogol A.B.CH Cymharu safon bywyd ac amodau iechyd, addysg, gwaith, teulu y ddau gyfnod Pwysigrwydd glendid a gofal iechyd Cynllun Seal – y brif thema “Mynd amdani!” Technoleg Dylunio/Design and Technology: Pobi bisgedi – blasu gwahanol fathau a thrafod blâs, siâp a.y.b. Cynllunio bocsys i ddal y bisgedi Gwerthuso ’ u gwaith Defnyddio pren balsa i wneud “ Welsh Not ” Pwytho Croes Ysgol Gynradd Creigiau Primary School Dosbarth - 6 Class - Tymor y Gwanwyn 2016 Spring Term 2016 Thema/Theme: Bywyd yn y Bedwaredd Ganrif ar Bymtheg Dyma fraslun o rywfaint o’r gweithgareddau yr ydym yn gobeithio eu hastudio yn ystod y tymor / This is a brief summary of some activities we hope to cover this term.
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