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What is Good Monitoring? Environmental Evaluator’s Network Ottawa, September 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Good Monitoring? Environmental Evaluator’s Network Ottawa, September 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Good Monitoring? Environmental Evaluator’s Network Ottawa, September 2010

2 Presentation Outline 1. What is monitoring? 2. Why monitor? 3. What’s the question? 4. How much monitoring? 5. What’s the answer? 6. What is good monitoring?

3 What is Monitoring? “… the collection and analysis of repeated observations or measurements to evaluate changes in condition and progress toward meeting a management objective” Elzinga 2001

4 Why Monitor? 1. Accountability for park condition: Legislated need to report on EI condition – What is the state of Ivvavik NP, and how is it changing? 2. Accountability for investments in management actions to improve EI – outputs/outcomes 3. Impact Assessments – EA follow-up monitoring 4. Contributions to Science Knowledge: 1. Interpreting long term ecological trends in relation to processes and drivers 2. assessing model predictions for ecological change in Arctic national parks

5 The Monitoring Question A clear and concise statement of the desired outcome for the project, or the threshold for assessing change in condition, and the criteria for measuring success through monitoring 1.Set in advance as part of project design 2.Condition Monitoring – linked to EI measure thresholds 3.Effectiveness Monitoring – setting targets to assess whether or not the management action effective 4.May differ with time (short, medium and long term goals)

6 Condition Monitoring Questions and Thresholds Clear Monitoring QuestionEI Thresholds From: Kejimkujik NP State of the Park Report 2010 – Technical Compendium

7 Effectiveness Monitoring Outputs and Outcomes Outputs: Did we carry out the prescribed actions as outlined in the project plan? Outcomes: Did the prescribed actions demonstrate an increase in ecological integrity?

8 Effectiveness Monitoring Setting Management Targets Long Term Goal – 5% of La Mauricie Forest is Mature White Pine Time Level of ‘EI’ White pine seedlings/saplings density – no treatment White pine seedlings/saplings density – with treatment Year 5Year 15 5 year goal EI ‘improvement’ 15 year goal Date of treatment

9 How Much Monitoring Do I Need? Elzinga 2001

10 Communicate!

11 What is Good Monitoring? The Audit 1.Peer-reviewed protocols – the ‘bus’ test 2.Reliable data management system - ICE 3.Clear monitoring questions/thresholds 4.Clear management targets 5.Study design and resources reflect risk 6.Results clearly and simply presented in plain language communication products (SOPR)

12 What is Good Monitoring? EI Monitoring Program Challenge USEFUL: provides clear messages about the state of park EI and the effectiveness of park management activities, in relation to park management objectives COMPREHENSIVE: includes indicators from all major park ecosystems and management needs, using scientifically robust methods that are effectively synthesized and communicated SUSTAINABLE: is achievable in the long term in both financial and human resources; implementable in the context of park technical and scientific capacities

13 In a Nutshell Good monitoring provides a clear answer to a well stated management question using resources that reflect the management risk or project investment.

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