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FGDC Standards WG Update to Coordination Group Julie Binder Maitra FGDC Standards Coordinator 703-648-4627 November 19, 2013 Coordination.

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Presentation on theme: "FGDC Standards WG Update to Coordination Group Julie Binder Maitra FGDC Standards Coordinator 703-648-4627 November 19, 2013 Coordination."— Presentation transcript:

1 FGDC Standards WG Update to Coordination Group Julie Binder Maitra FGDC Standards Coordinator 703-648-4627 November 19, 2013 Coordination Group Meeting

2 2 Introduction The Mission/Purpose of the FGDC Standards WG (SWG) is to promote the development and implementation of standards in support of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.

3 3 Introduction SWG Members include: FGDC Secretariat Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Census NOAA Department of Defense NGA USACE Department of Homeland Security Department of the Interior USGS EPA others

4 4 NGDA Data Themes and Data Sets The following data themes and data sets fall under the purview of the FGDC Standards WG: The FGDC Standards WG is responsible for reviewing project proposals, committee draft standards, and final draft standards for National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) datasets as part of A- 16 portfolio management. making recommendations to the CG. It is also responsible for identifying externally developed standards for FGDC endorsement.

5 5 Recent Meetings The FGDC Standards WG last met on September 24, 2013. The topics discussed at this meeting include: FGDC standards projects to discontinue  Earth Cover Classification Standard  Encoding Standard for Metadata  FGDC Profile(s) of ISO 19115  Content Standard for Framework Land Elevation Data Proposal to withdraw Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS), Parts 1-7 Recommendation for endorsement:  Web Feature Service 2.0  draft U.S. Government Real Property Asset Data Standard  Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) 5.1 Geo4NIEM presentation Review of FGDC recommendations on 13-3 Geospatial- Intelligence Standards WG (GWG) change requests

6 6 Recent Meetings, continued Some of the outcomes arising from the September 24 SWG meeting include: Recommendation to discontinue standards projects Recommendation to withdraw SDTS, Parts 1-7 Recommendation for CG approval for FGDC endorsement:  Web Feature Service (WFS) 2.0  draft U.S. Government Real Property Asset Data Standard (RPADS)

7 7 Recent Developments/Projects CG approval of: Web Feature Service 2.0 U.S. Government Real Property Asset Data Standard Publication of Federal Register request for comment on proposal to withdraw SDTS Call for standards proposals and draft standards for review by the SWG closed November 8 Planning of next SWG meeting

8 8 Coordination Group Vote Ballot to approve RPADS and WFS 2.0 closed

9 9 Next Meeting The next meeting of the FGDC Standards WG will be held on Thursday, December 12, 2013. Some of the topics to be discussed at the next meeting include: Recommendation for FGDC endorsement:  GeoRSS  ISO/IEC 15144-1:2004 Corrigenda 1:2007/2:2008 JPEG 2000  AIXM 5.1 Address Data Standard update Quantities and units: ISO 80000 and NIST guidance

10 10 Next Steps In the coming months, the FGDC Standards WG hopes to accomplish/discuss: Design, update, and maintenance of a standards registry. Expansion of content of FGDC web pages on XML and GML schemata. Advancement of projects for NGDA dataset standards through the FGDC standards process. Recommend standards for CG approval for FGDC endorsement  Sensor Web Enablement (SWE)  SDI standards baseline, as outlined in Chapter 10: Standards Suites for Spatial Data Infrastructure,

11 11 Questions? Julie Binder Maitra FGDC Office of the Secretariat 703-648-4627

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