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1 of 8 Algebra 1 Chapter 11 Section 3 Chapter 11 Sec 3 Radical Equations.

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1 1 of 8 Algebra 1 Chapter 11 Section 3 Chapter 11 Sec 3 Radical Equations

2 2 of 8 Algebra 1 Chapter 11 Section 3 Radical Equations radical equations Equations that contain radicals with variables in the radicand are called radical equations. To solve these: Step 1. Isolate the radical on one side of the equation. Step 2. Square each side to remove the radical. Step 3. Solve for the variable. Step 4. Check your solution for extraneous solutions

3 3 of 8 Algebra 1 Chapter 11 Section 3 Rationalize the Denominator Two objects are dropped simultaneously. The first object reaches the ground in 2.5 seconds, and the second object reaches the ground 1.5 seconds later. From what height were the two objects dropped? ( ) 2

4 4 of 8 Algebra 1 Chapter 11 Section 3 Radical Equation with an Expression

5 5 of 8 Algebra 1 Chapter 11 Section 3 Extraneous Solutions extraneous solutions. Squaring each side of an equation sometimes produces extraneous solutions. An extraneous solution is a solution derived from an equation that is not a solution of the original equation. Therefore you must check all your solutions.

6 6 of 8 Algebra 1 Chapter 11 Section 3 Extraneous Solutions Next you need to check your answers in the original equation

7 7 of 8 Algebra 1 Chapter 11 Section 3 Extraneous Solutions Since 2 does not satisfy the original equation, 7 is the only solution.

8 8 of 8 Algebra 1 Chapter 11 Section 3 Daily Assignment Chapter 11 Section 3 Study Guide (SG) Pg 149 – 150 All

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