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Query Health Distributed Population Queries Implementation Group Meeting January 4, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Query Health Distributed Population Queries Implementation Group Meeting January 4, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Query Health Distributed Population Queries Implementation Group Meeting January 4, 2012

2 Agenda Plans for January Clinical Operations Technical Understanding where we are at and where we are going Important Announcements Open Discussion / Next Steps

3 Query Health Where We are

4 Query Health Meeting Time Reminders Implementation Group Tuesdays 1:30pm-2:30pm EDT Clinical Working Group Wednesdays 12pm-1pm EDT Clinical Concept Mapping Sub-Working Group Tuesday 2:30pm-4pm EDT (for January) Operations Working Group Thursdays 11am-12pm EDT Pilots Sub-Working Group Thursdays 3:30pm-4:30pm EDT Technical Working Group Thursday 2pm-3 pm EDT

5 Action Items DescriptionOwnerStatusDue DateNotes Finalize review of Sample Data Use Agreement Development Operations Working Group OpenPrepare for Jan 5 th Meeting Continue work on Query Health CEDD Crosswalk (focus on final review and examples) Working Group Participants OpenPrepare for Jan 4 th Meeting Volunteer for Query Health Pilots Working Group Participants OpenOngoing Final vote on the Technical Approach Call for Consensus Technical Working Group OpenPrepare for Dec 22 meeting Attend Query Health Clinical Concept Mapping presentations Working Group Participants OpenOngoing in January Note extended 90 minute meeting time for January

6 Clinical Working Group January 4, 2012

7 Concept to Codes First meeting of the year is today at 2:30 pm EST. We have added an extra 30 minutes to the usual meeting time to give our presenters additional time to present as well as discussion/questions –On January 3 rd, 10 th, and 17 th the meeting time will be extended to 2:30-4:00pm January Meeting Schedule –1/3 – PopMedNet –1/3 – NLM –1/3 - Data Oriented Quality Solutions (DOQS) –1/10 – CDISC SHARE –1/10 – Ibeza –1/10 – Regenstrief (RELMA) –1/17 – 3M –*Additional presenters being confirmed for 1/17 7

8 Query Health CEDD Timeline

9 Query Health CEDD Crosswalk available for review: Work will now shift to generic use case data elements and what might go into a “generic” distributed query Approach –Review data definitions and examples of data elements –Begin generic use case data element assignments with workgroup members –Begin alignment of CEDD to Query Health technical approach Query Health CEDD January Plan

10 Operations Working Group January 4, 2012

11 Operations Workgroup Key Activities for January Regular WG meeting will start up again this week –Work on completing updated draft of DUA –Further meetings with HHS to ensure alignment of their DUA with S&I Framework

12 Regular SWG meeting will start up again this week –ONC Support offering assistance to SWG attendees in completing pilot project profiles. Pilots SWG Meetings continue in January

13 Technical Working Group January 4th, 2012

14 Where are we now, and where are we going? Sean Nolan – Overall Query Health Technical Approach Why is this approach so important? What are the next steps in our timeline for the technical workgroup? Keith Boone - HQMF Demonstration at HIMSS Why is this demonstration of HQMF at HIMSS important? How will this move progress on interoperability and distributed queries forward?

15 Where are we now… Technical Approach has been consensus approved – Significant achievement for the Initiative Specifications and Standards around Query Envelope specification Declarative Query Expression based on next version of HQMF Changes Presented to Query Health Technical WG, HL7 SDWG WG.pptx WG.pptx Coordination started with NQF Declarative Results Expression based on refined QRDA Query Health CEDD Specification

16 Where are we going? Create the Specifications using the consensus process using rapid iterations Adapt the existing implementations of i2B2, PopMedNet and hQuery to deliver a robust Reference Implementation that implements Query Health Specifications Deliver demonstrations along the way to depict progress of Query Health and show case them at HIMSS as part of Query Health Focus of the demonstration are Ability to apply Query Health specifications to various purposes requiring aggregated data Modifications required to HQMF along with the implementation guidance Policy Sandbox enablement using PopMedNet Work with the Pilot Organizations on using the Query Health specifications and reference implementation

17 Important Announcements Welcome back! For any new volunteers, we are here to help: If you have any issues with the wiki or with commenting on work in progress, please let me ( or the S&I Framework administration team (

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