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17 The Reproduction System 1. Define important words in this chapter benign prostatic hypertrophy: a disorder in which the prostate becomes enlarged, causing.

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Presentation on theme: "17 The Reproduction System 1. Define important words in this chapter benign prostatic hypertrophy: a disorder in which the prostate becomes enlarged, causing."— Presentation transcript:

1 17 The Reproduction System 1. Define important words in this chapter benign prostatic hypertrophy: a disorder in which the prostate becomes enlarged, causing problems with urination and/or emptying the bladder. chlamydia: a sexually-transmitted disease caused by bacteria. douche: a rinsing of the vagina in order to cleanse the vaginal tract or to introduce medication into the vagina; also called a vaginal irrigation. genital herpes: a sexually-transmitted disease caused by a virus; cannot be cured.

2 17 The Reproduction System 1. Define important words in this chapter (con’t) genital HPV infection: a sexually-transmitted disease caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). glands: structures that secrete hormones. gonads: the male and female sexual reproductive glands. gonorrhea: a sexually-transmitted disease caused by bacteria.

3 17 The Reproduction System 1. Define important words in this chapter (con’t) hormones: chemical substances created by the body that control numerous body functions. impotence: the inability to have or maintain a penile erection. menopause: the point at which a woman’s menstrual periods stop permanently and she can no longer conceive. menstruation: the shedding of the lining of the uterus that occurs approximately every 28 days; also known as the menstrual cycle or period.

4 17 The Reproduction System 1. Define important words in this chapter (con’t) ovum: female sex cell or egg. sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs): diseases passed through sexual contact; also called venereal diseases. sexually-transmitted infections (STIs): infections caused by sexual contact; infected person may not show signs or symptoms of disease. sperm: male sex cells.

5 17 The Reproduction System 1. Define important words in this chapter (con’t) syphilis: a sexually-transmitted disease caused by bacteria. trichomoniasis: a sexually-transmitted disease caused by protozoa (single- celled animals). vaginal irrigation: a rinsing of the vagina in order to cleanse the vaginal tract or to introduce medication into the vagina; also called a douche.

6 17 The Reproduction System 2. Explain the structure and function of the reproduction system Reproduction begins when male and female sex cells, sperm and ovum, join. These sex cells are formed in the male and female sexual reproductive glands, called gonads. Glands are structures that secrete hormones. Hormones are chemical substances created by the body that control numerous body functions.

7 17 The Reproduction System Transparency 17-1: The Reproductive System

8 17 The Reproduction System 3. Discuss changes in the reproductive system due to aging Normal age-related changes for the reproductive system include the following: Male Prostate gland enlarges. Number and capability of sperm decreases. Sexual response delays.

9 17 The Reproduction System 3. Discuss changes in the reproductive system due to aging (con’t) Normal age-related changes for the reproductive system include the following: Female Menopause occurs. Decrease of estrogen and progesterone leads to loss of calcium. Vaginal walls become drier and thinner.

10 17 The Reproduction System 4. Discuss common disorders of the reproductive system Sexually-transmitted diseases (STD) and infection (STI): Chlamydia Genital herpes Genital HPV infection Gonorrhea Syphilis Trichomoniasis Other reproductive disorder: Benign prostatic hypertrophy

11 17 The Reproduction System 5. Describe sexual needs of the elderly All people, regardless of age, have sexual needs. Some things that affect sexual activity in the elderly include: Illness Erectile dysfunction Vaginal atrophy Depression A lack of privacy Medications

12 17 The Reproduction System 6. Describe vaginal irrigation Vaginal irrigation, or a vaginal douche, is a rinsing of the vagina in order to cleanse the vaginal tract prior to a surgical procedure or examination or due to vaginal drainage.

13 Giving a vaginal douche Equipment: vaginal douche, including bag, tubing and tip, lubricating jelly, gloves, bed protector, bath blanket, towel, bedpan and bedpan cover Assist the resident to urinate before beginning the procedure. 1.Identify yourself by name. Identify the resident. Greet the resident by name. 2.Wash your hands.

14 Giving a vaginal douche 3.Explain procedure to resident. Speak clearly, slowly, and directly. Maintain face-to-face contact whenever possible. Encourage resident to assist if possible. 4.Provide for the resident’s privacy with a curtain, screen, or door. 5.Practice good body mechanics. Adjust bed to safe working level, usually waist high. Lock bed wheels.

15 Giving a vaginal douche 6.Lower the side rail (if bed has one and if it is not already lowered) on side nearest you. 7.Lower head of bed. Position resident lying flat on her back. 8.Apply gloves. 9.Cover the resident with a bath blanket. Ask her to hold it while you pull down the top covers underneath. Do not expose more of her than you have to.

16 Giving a vaginal douche 10.Place a bed protector under the resident’s buttocks and hips. 11.Hang prepared vaginal irrigation bag on IV pole and lower pole so that bag is 12 inches above resident’s perineal area. 12.Remove resident’s pants or pajama bottoms, exposing only as much of the resident’s body as necessary.

17 Giving a vaginal douche 13.Place the bedpan under the resident and make sure she is in the dorsal recumbent position. 14.Open the clamp and allow a little water to run from the tubing into the bedpan to clear air from the tubing. 15.Lubricate tip of tubing if not already lubricated.

18 Giving a vaginal douche 16.Insert nozzle slowly and gently into vagina about two to three inches (Fig. 17-5). 17.Begin slow flow of water or fluid by releasing clamp. Before vaginal irrigation bag is empty, clamp tubing. 18.Remove tubing slowly and gently and place tubing tip inside top of bag. Fig. 17-5. Insert nozzle slowly and gently into vagina about two to three inches.

19 Giving a vaginal douche 19.Raise the head of the bed so that the resident is in a semi-sitting position on the bedpan so that the solution can drain. 20.Remove bedpan and cover it. Remove the bed protector. 21.Dry perineal area and buttocks and replace clothing or gown. Remove bath blanket and replace top covers.

20 Giving a vaginal douche 22.Return bed to low position if raised. Ensure resident’s safety. Return side rails to ordered position. Remove privacy measures. 23.Make resident comfortable. 24.Bring bedpan to bathroom and check contents for anything unusual. Empty bedpan.

21 Giving a vaginal douche 25.Rinse bedpan. Pour rinse water into toilet. Use approved disinfectant if facility policy. Return to proper storage. 26.Place soiled linens, clothing and bed protector in proper containers. 27.Remove and dispose of gloves properly. 28.Leave call light within resident’s reach.

22 Giving a vaginal douche 29.Wash your hands. 30.Be courteous and respectful at all times. 31.Report any changes in the resident to the nurse. Document procedure using facility guidelines.

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