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Lecture 5 Morbidity of population as medical- social problem. Epidemiological methods for studying morbidity.

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1 Lecture 5 Morbidity of population as medical- social problem. Epidemiological methods for studying morbidity

2 Definition Morbidity (from Latin morbidus, meaning "sick, unhealthy") is a diseased state, disability, or poor health due to any cause. The term may be used to refer to the existence of any form of disease, or to the degree that the health condition affects the patient Morbidity refers to the state of being diseased or unhealthy within a population Data on frequency and distribution of a illness can aid in controlling its spread and, in some cases, may lead to the identification of its causes

3 Morbidity is one of the major criteria characterizing health of the population. The morbidity is an indicator characterizing prevalence, structure and dynamics of the registered illnesses among the population in whole or in its separate groups (age, sex, territorial, professional, etc.) and serving one of the criteria of work assessment of a doctor, medical institution, public health services unit. As the object of scientific research and practical activities of public health services establishments morbidity represents a complex system of relative concepts:

4 Morbidity represents a complex system of relative concepts:  Incidence (primary disease incidence) – frequency of the new, nowhere recorded before and revealed for the first time in the given calendar year, diseases among the population;  prevalence (morbidity, accumulated disease prevalence) – frequency of all diseases existing among the population, both revealed for the first time in the given calendar year, and registered in previous years because of which the patient has appealed for medical aid in the given year again;  incidence of the diseases revealed at medical inspection (pathological affection, point prevalence) – frequency of pathology among the population, determined at carrying out of single medical inspections (examinations); as a result, all the diseases are considered, as well as premorbid forms and conditions.

5 A modern condition of health of the Ukrainian population is characterized by major trends: Is growing prevalence and morbidity of most classes primary diseases; Is growing the frequency of transition of acute to chronic diseases;

6 In the study of morbidity according to the data seeking medical help are distinguished those of its types: 1. Overall morbidity - a record of all diseases which are registered in the population defined territory for a certain period; 2. Infectious diseases - special account of acute illnesses associated with the operational necessity of anti-epidemic measures;

7 3. The incidence of major diseases nonepidemic subject to special accounting as a result of the epidemiological and social values ​​(malignant neoplasms, tuberculosis, venereal, mental illness, etc.): 4. Hospital or "hospitalized" incidence enables us to trace the composition of patients who were treated in the hospital; 5. Morbidity with temporary disability of workers and employees released as a result of its social and economic impact.

8 Registration for non-epidemic diseases, there are two main documents: 1. Are reports of patients who for the first time a diagnosis of active tuberculosis, venereal disease, Trichophyton, Microsporum, favuse, scabies, trachoma, mental illness (form number 089/o). 2. Are reports of patients for the first time ever diagnosis of cancer or other malignant neoplasms (form number 089/o).

9 Morbidity -Indicators Number of persons contracting a disease during a given time period per 1000 population at risk Refers only to new cases during a defined period

10 Infectious diseases Compulsory registration and accounting shall be such diseases: typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, and other infections caused by salmonella, brucellosis, all forms of dysentery and several others. The list of diseases that changes periodically, regulates MHC of Ukraine. Special accounting is also provided for the detected infected and AIDS patients, who are regulated by special instructions and methodological documents.

11 The unit of observation in the study of infectious diseases is every case of the disease or a suspicion on him. In identifying them filled "Urgent message about infectious disease, food, acute professional poisoning" (Form number 058/o), then is the basic document for the study of epidemic morbidity. All urgent messages should be sent within 12 hours in the sanitary-epidemiological service.

12 Non-epidemic diseases Alongside with the obligatory registering of infectious disease the special registration of the major non- epidemic diseases, to which tuberculosis, venereal diseases, mycoses, trachoma, etc belong. Some of them are considered both as infectious diseases, and as the major non-epidemic illnesses. The organization of the special registration of some diseases is connected by the fact, as a rule, that they demand early revealing, total examination of patients, their dispensary registration, constant supervision over them and special treatment, and in some cases –revealing of contacts as well.

13 Morbidity of most important no epidemic diseases malignant neoplasms; mental diseases; venereal disease; active tuberculosis; severe mycosis.

14 Registration for non-epidemic diseases, there are two main documents: 1. Are reports of patients who for the first time a diagnosis of active tuberculosis, venereal disease, Trichophyton, Microsporum, favuse, scabies, trachoma, mental illness (form number 089/o). 2. Are reports of patients for the first time ever diagnosis of cancer or other malignant neoplasms (form number 089/o).

15 Hospital morbidity indicators: Frequency of hospitalization; Hospitalization rates by age, sex, place of residence; Structure of hospitalization; The average duration of the treatment.

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