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PRIVI NURIVIT VEGETABLES. It is a formulation wherein the OSA technology has been attenuated with boosters known to have synergistic effect on crops NUTRIVIT.

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Presentation on theme: "PRIVI NURIVIT VEGETABLES. It is a formulation wherein the OSA technology has been attenuated with boosters known to have synergistic effect on crops NUTRIVIT."— Presentation transcript:


2 It is a formulation wherein the OSA technology has been attenuated with boosters known to have synergistic effect on crops NUTRIVIT VEGETABLES Active IngredientPercentage Stabilized Orthosilicic Acid (OSA) 0.4% Boosters Stabilizer SolventQ.S. Total100% Chemical Composition

3 NUTRIVIT VEGETABLES Enables better establishment of transplanted seedling Increases photosynthetic machinery of plant Higher accumulation of photosyntheates Promotes flowering in plants Reduction in flower drop Facilitates good pollination Better fruit yield Enhances quality of fruits Increases shelf life of fruits Ensures better crop stand under stress conditions


5 Duration of crop is 90-100 days 30-45 DAS 5-7 Days after 5-7 days after CROP CYCLE: OKRA

6 Dosage of formulation: 2 ml/l Spray No.TimingBenefits 115 DASEnsures better seedling growth 230 DASBetter uptake of nutrients, enhanced rate of photosynthesis 345 DASPromotes flowering Prevents flower drop Ensures plants to mitigate stress conditions 460 DASEnhances the quality and flavour of fruit SPRAYING SCHEDULE & BENEFITS

7 TreatmentsControlSprayed Plant Height (cm)84.68125.89 Fruit yield (q/ha)156.11208.22 LevelsControlSprayed Nitrogen (Kg/ha)230.76888.21 Phosphorous (kg/ha)78.9596.42 Potassium346.75379.01 Silicon (mg/l)974.841124.60 BENEFITS OF NUTRIVIT VEGETABLE SOIL PARAMETERS YIELD PARAMETERS

8 ParametersControlSprayed YVMV (% area)61.4146.03 Jassids/leaf54.2326.95 Whitefly/leaf28.8114.31 Shoot borer (%)12.605.54 ParametersControlSprayed Moisture89.6391.43 Ash (%)1.201.75 Carbohydrate (%)4.665.41 Protein (%)1.191.75 BENEFITS OF NUTRIVIT VEGETABLE HEALTH QUALITY PARAMETERS


10 21-28 DAS 30 DAT 15-20 DAF CROP CYCLE: BRINJAL Duration of crop is 130-140 days

11 Spray No.TimingBenefit 115 DATEnsures better seedling growth 230 DATBetter uptake of nutrients, enhanced rate of photosynthesis 345 DATPromotes flowering Prevents flower drop Ensures plants to mitigate stress conditions 460 DATEnhances the quality and flavour of fruit Ensure good flush of repeated flowering Spraying Schedule and Benefits Dosage of formulation: 2 ml/l SPRAYING SCHEDULE & BENEFITS

12 Nutrient contentControlSprayed Nitrogen (Kg/ha)512.30565.62 Phosphorous (Kg/ha)75.4278.91 Potassium (Kg/ha)307.99342.13 Silicon (mg/l)596.06716.19 BENEFITS OF NUTRIVIT VEGETABLE SOIL PARAMETERS GRWOTH & YIELD PARAMETERS Treatment Plant height (cm) Fruit Weight (g) Fruit Volume (cm3) Fruits/ plant Fruit yield (q/ha) Control55.67212.67352.3314.58382.10 Silixol84.00365.43585.0018.07579.63

13 Foliar effect of silixol on Brinjal BENEFITS OF NUTRIVIT VEGETABLE HEALTH TreatmentFruit borer (%)Little leaf (%) Control26.781.33 Silixol7.080.00 QUALITY PARAMETERS Treatme nt Moisture (%) Anthocy anin (mg/ 100 g) Ascorbic acid (mg/100 g) Acidity (%) Total Carbohy drates (%) Phenol (%) Glycoalk aloid (%) Control93.67284.925.041.1833.723.320.194 Silixol94.43409.798.620.9694.102.550.174


15 28-32 DAS 30 DAT 15-20 DAF CROP CYCLE: CHILLY Duration of crop is 200-220 days

16 ParametersControlSprayed Nitrogen (Kg/ha)476.34656.62 Phosphorous (Kg/ha)73.2578.91 Potassium (Kg/ha)301.69342.13 Silicon (mg/l)492.92626.31 BENEFITS OF NUTRIVIT VEGETABLE SOIL PARAMETERS GROWTH & YIELD PARAMETERS Treatments Plant height (cm) Fruit Length (cm) Fruit Girth (cm) Fruit Weight (g) Fruits/ plant Green Fruit Yield (q/ha) Control71.458.972.792.7830.19101.85 Silixol82.1010.493.313.8048.21122.69

17 BENEFITS OF NUTRIVIT VEGETABLE HEALTH TreatmentLeaf Curl (%)Thrips/plant Control 53.3312.10 Silixol 32.004.90 QUALITY PARAMETERS Treatmen ts Moisture (%) Capsaicin (%) Ascorbic Acid (mg/100g) Total Chlorophyll (mg/g) Chl. AChl. BTotal chl. Chl. A/B ratio Control 87.2817.573.0200.2830.4620.7450.614 Silixol 89.4820.564.4270.4620.6561.0850.778


19 28-32 DAS 30 DAT 15-20 DAF CROP CYCLE: TOMATOES Duration of crop is 130-140 days

20 ParametersControlSprayed Nitrogen (Kg/ha)894.21927.21 Phosphorous (Kg/ha)53.8871.74 Potassium (Kg/ha)455.62560.45 Silicon (mg/l)868.881114.7 BENEFITS OF NUTRIVIT VEGETABLE SOIL PARAMETERS GROWTH & YIELD PARAMETERS Treatment Plant height (cm) Fruit Weight (g) Fruit Volume (cm3) Fruits/ plant Fruit yield (q/ha) Control81.2858.7744.0022.50200.29 Silixol112.9079.6370.6735.83263.12

21 BENEFITS OF NUTRIVIT VEGETABLE HEALTH TreatmentFruit borer (%)Leaf Curl (%) Control 13.3335.42 Silixol 4.3025.00 QUALITY PARAMETERS Treatment Ascorbic acid (mg/ 100 g) Lycopene (mg/100g) Control5.7718.78 Silixol6.8326.27

22 BENEFITS OF NUTRIVIT VEGETABLE In all four vegetables Nutrvit Vegetables contributed  Better crop stand  Good foliage development  Higher rate of photosynthesis  Enhanced uptake of nutrient from soil  Early flowering  Less flower drop  Good fruit development  Enahnced quality attributes of fruits  More uniform flushes  More yield

23 Pillars of business- Trust Transparency Team Work Transformation

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