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ACE Project Conference – Lubjana - Slovenia 3 February 2011 European Disability Policy : a right-based approach - "Nothing about us without us " Aurélie.

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Presentation on theme: "ACE Project Conference – Lubjana - Slovenia 3 February 2011 European Disability Policy : a right-based approach - "Nothing about us without us " Aurélie."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACE Project Conference – Lubjana - Slovenia 3 February 2011 European Disability Policy : a right-based approach - "Nothing about us without us " Aurélie Baranger –Autism-Europe Director

2 Autism-Europe – Presentation European Association representing persons with Autism and their families 80 member associations in 30 European countries AE aisbl Representing persons with autism towards all EU institutions Promoting awareness on the adapted care, education and well-being of persons with autism Promoting the exchange of information, good practices and experience AE Role

3 Autism-Europe is also a founding member of wider European networks Autism-Europe founding member Representing EU National Disability councils and other specific disability NGOs towards the EU Consultation role in the policy-making process EDF (European Disability Forum) AE founding member Promotion of a social Europe based on fundamental rights, inclusion and non- discrimination Platform of Social NGOs

4 Supporting the “Social Model of Disability” Medical model Emphasis on Disability (negative perspective) Disabled person as object of assistance(patient) Services tailored to impairments social model Emphasis on Potential (positive approach) Disabled people as a subject with human rights and self- determination (Social Model NOTHING ABOUT US WITHOUT US) Programmes tailored to individual needs

5 Fighting for the rights of persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorders Right to diagnosis and access to adapted care Right to life-long education Right to training and to work Implementation of the non-discrimination principle – Right to inclusion (de-institutionalisation, etc) – Positive actions

6 Main European Instruments European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights European Social Charter 1961-1996 Recommandation of the Council of Europe Resolution ResAP(2007)4 on the education and social inclusion of children and young people with autism spectrum disorders UN Convention on the rights of people with disability Charter of Fundamental Rights Directive EC 2000/78 for equal treatment in employment and occupation

7 Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make one's own choices, and independence of persons Non-discrimination Full and effective participation and inclusion in society Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity Equality of opportunity Accessibility Equality between men and women Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to preserve their identities United Nations Convention on the rights of people with disabilities

8 The rights recognized by the UN Convention cover almost all policy fields (accessibility, employment, education, health, independent living, civil rights) Mixed competences between EU and Member States (all the MS have signed the UN Convention)

9 - 30 March 2007: the European Community signs the UN Convention -Council Resolution 2008/ C 75/01: invites the Commission to begin work on a new EU Disability strategy to fully implement the UN Convention -November 2010: Adoption of the Disability Strategy 2010-2020 -23rd December 2010 : conclusion of the UN Convention by the EU (has to implement it in all its policies).

10 EU disability Strategy 2010-2020 Elimination of discrimination on the grounds of disability Full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for persons with disabilities as well as their active inclusion. The European Commission has identified eight main areas for action: Accessibility, Participation, Equality, Employment, Education and training, Social protection, Health, and External Action.

11 Education and lifelong-learning UN Convention Article 24: right to education and lifelong learning Ensure that persons with disabilities are able to access general tertiary education, vocational training, adult education and lifelong learning without discrimination and on an equal basis with others.ensure that reasonable accommodation is provided (e.g.adapted infrastructures, equipment, transports, etc.) EU disability Strategy 2010-2020 “(....) The EU will increase knowledge on levels of education and opportunities for people with disabilities, and increase their mobility by facilitating participation in the Lifelong Learning Programme.”

12 What is the role of civil society in the monitoring process? In relation to national monitoring, the Convention expressly stipulates that civil society, in particular persons with disabilities and their representative organizations, shall be involved and participate fully in the monitoring process (see Convention article 33.3). In relation to international monitoring, States parties are invited to give due consideration to consulting with and actively involving persons with disabilities and their representative organizations when nominating experts for the treaty body (see Convention article 34.3)

13 Participation of people with Autism « Participation: making sure that persons with disabilities and their families exercise their EU citizenship rights on an equal footing” (EU disability Strategy - 2010-2020)  Need for empowerment – Nothing about us, without us  Need for life-long training and habilitation

14 ACE project Enhancing communication and social skills participation in online communities travelling to other countries (Slovenia, Italy, Great Britain and Estonia) Becoming active citizens through self-advocacy

15 Contact us for more information! Autism-Europe aisbl 39, rue Montoyer (Bte 11) B-1000 Brussels, Belgium E-mail: Web site:

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