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Franklin County 4-H Tri-Monthly Update Jan/Feb/Mar Happy New Year, I hope you all had a fabulous Holiday season and you are all looking forward to a fun.

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Presentation on theme: "Franklin County 4-H Tri-Monthly Update Jan/Feb/Mar Happy New Year, I hope you all had a fabulous Holiday season and you are all looking forward to a fun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Franklin County 4-H Tri-Monthly Update Jan/Feb/Mar Happy New Year, I hope you all had a fabulous Holiday season and you are all looking forward to a fun filled 2012 in 4-H. We already have a lot of things planned and are in the process of planning even more. In this issue I would like to recap on a few things from 2011 and highlight some upcoming dates in 2012. Recap of 2011 I have had a fabulous 1 st year as your Franklin County 4-H Agent. I am glad I have been given this awesome opportunity to meet wonderful youth, parents, volunteers, and community members. Some of the things that 4-H did this past year that really had a successful impact include, but are definitely not limited to: -Photo Contest -Pullet Show/Sale -Four County 4-H Livestock Show -Sizzling Summer Sessions -Adding new 4-H Clubs -Doing Community Service Projects -Taking youth on retreats and conferences -State Fair -School Enrichment

2 Upcoming Dates : January 14 th -Livestock Club interest meeting at Ray Family Farms at 1pm 21 st -Winterfest Teen Retreat 23 rd -Fecel Sample Workshop February 1 st -County Council 3 rd -5 th -Volunteer Leader’s Conference 7 th -Open Pullet Meeting at 6pm in Vance County 9 th -Franklinton High School STEM Video Gaming Night 20 th -Electric Workshop 28 th -4-H Advisory Leadership Council Meeting March 16 th -Teacher Workday Workshop-TBA 17th-Annual Tree Give-Away 27 th -Pullet Orientation at 6pm in Vance County 30 th -4 th Grade Progressive Safety Day April 12 th -4-H Achievement Night and Extension Volunteer Banquet



5 Reminders: If you are interested in camp, contact me quickly because camp slots fill up very quickly. If you have not filled out your enrollment form for 4-H for this club year. Please do so ASAP. If you are interested in joining a club, please call me and I will be happy to find you a great club to become involved in. If you would like to start a club or become a volunteer please do not hesitate to contact me to get started. Remember that 4-H is Family Time

6 Contacts: Franklin County 4-H Extension Agent: – Meg Wyatt – 919-496-3344 –

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