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The best is laughter. :The best is laughter 1) Laughter is good exercise. it make you(breath)quickly. Laughter makes your heart (rate)go up, and it can.

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Presentation on theme: "The best is laughter. :The best is laughter 1) Laughter is good exercise. it make you(breath)quickly. Laughter makes your heart (rate)go up, and it can."— Presentation transcript:

1 The best is laughter

2 :The best is laughter 1) Laughter is good exercise. it make you(breath)quickly. Laughter makes your heart (rate)go up, and it can turn your whole body. 2 ) Laughter has a positive (effect)on your reduces high blood pressure and can (prevent)soma illnesses. Also,laughter reduces (pain),and it (increases)your ability to fight other illnesses.laughter is good for you.

3 3) Laughter helps your brain.when you laugh often,you can remember information improves your ability to think. 4) Laughter also changes how you feel.we often keep bad feelings inside. Feelings such as anger,sadness, and (fear)can cause stress. When we laugh, we let go of stress and bad feelings.

4 International Laughter Clubs: 5) All international laughter clubs,we learn to laugh well.our teachers show us how to laugh together.we learn to laugh with our whole body. We learn to breathe deeply when we laugh. 6 ) We practice laughter,in one laughter exercise,we stand in a circle.we put our hands on our face,chest, or stomach.

5 Than we make "hee hee" sounds until we laugh. Everyone in the circle starts laughing because laughter is so contagious! 7) We have 4,000 laughter clubs in 50 different countries all around the world.our clubs are open to everyone.we have clubs in hospitals,schools,collegs,businesses, and nursing home.Laughter is a gift.use it,and you can be healthy and happy.

6 Effect:-(n) a change that happen because of something Prevent;-(v) to stop someone from doing something to stop something from happening Pain;-(n)the feeling that you have in your body when you are hurt or sick Rate;-(n) the speed of something or how often something happens Breath;-(v) to take in and let out air through your nose and mouth

7 Increase:-(v)to cause the amount level or number of something to go up Cry;-(v)to have water falling your eyes because you are unhappy or hurt Fear:-(n )the feeling that you have when you think that something bad might happen

8 Exercises

9 (prevent,pain,rate,breath,) The rules are intended to………accidents. I had a nasty ………in my leg. Australia's unemployment …….rose to 6.5% in February The room filled with smoke and it was becoming difficult to ………

10 (increase,fear,cry,effect) The population……..dramatically in the first half of the century The boys eyes were full of………. Don’t ……….Laura it'll be ok My parents divorce had a big ………..on me

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