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Nathan Begle, Jiaqi Jiang, Chang Yoon Kim Presenter: Jordan Gaines.

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Presentation on theme: "Nathan Begle, Jiaqi Jiang, Chang Yoon Kim Presenter: Jordan Gaines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nathan Begle, Jiaqi Jiang, Chang Yoon Kim Presenter: Jordan Gaines

2 Abstract The Infrarat is an autonomous toy car that will use proximity sensors and a pivoting array of Infrared sensors for tracking a body and to avoid running into objects. It will also wirelessly interface with an Android device to receive commands and send the temperature gradient encoding from the IR sensor to be displayed on the device. It will be used in three modes which are follow, run away, and manual control.

3 Criticality Define Two levels of criticality – High: Can cause user harm or unpredictable motor behavior. – Low: Reduces or disables functionality of the device, but does not cause user harm

4 Possible high-failure components AT32UC3C2256C Microcontroller DRV8833 Motor Controller LM2675 Voltage Regulators

5 AT32UC3C2256C Reliability Analysis Failure Rate: 10.2 failures/10^6 hours MTTF: 11.19 years

6 AT32UC3C2256C

7 DRV8833 Motor Controller Reliability Analysis Failure Rate: 2.54 failures/10^6 hours MTTF: 44.94 years

8 DRV8833 Motor Controller

9 LM2675 Voltage Regulators Reliability Analysis Failure Rate: 0.404 failures/10^6 hours MTTF: 282.6 years

10 LM2675 Voltage Regulators

11 Questions?

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