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Response to Crisis: Absolutism

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1 Response to Crisis: Absolutism
14-3 Response to Crisis: Absolutism

2 I. France under Louis XIV
A. Absolutism- a system in which the ruler has total power (divine right of kings) 1. Absolute monarchs could make laws, levy taxes, administer justice, and determine foreign policy B. The court of Louis XIV in France is the best example of absolutism


4 C. Cardinal Richelieu- held power in the place of the king until he reached an age to rule
1. Solidified the power of French Kings by taking political and military power from officials

5 D. Louis took power at 23 and forced the government to report to him for all things
1. Louis came to be known as the sun king ( he felt he was as important to France as the sun is to Earth)

6 E. Versailles- The royal court in France
1. Served as the King’s residence 2. Location of all government offices 3. From 1 location, Louis could oversee all decisions being made







13 F. Louis forced the entire court to live at Versailles and distracted them with fabulous court life
G. Louis forced hundreds and thousands of Protestants out of France H. When Louis died, France was heavily in debt and surrounded by enemies

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