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Bellringer:  Fill in “L” column on KWL Chart in your 2 nd Maps Packet.  What have you learned about Latitude and Longitude?  Comparing the Globe vs.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer:  Fill in “L” column on KWL Chart in your 2 nd Maps Packet.  What have you learned about Latitude and Longitude?  Comparing the Globe vs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer:  Fill in “L” column on KWL Chart in your 2 nd Maps Packet.  What have you learned about Latitude and Longitude?  Comparing the Globe vs. a map of the world?  Relative and Absolute Location?


3 Bellringer :  In 2 or three sentences, please describe one of the following places you have visited:  Ohio River?  Susquehanna River?  Allegheny Mountains?  Lake Erie (or any Great Lakes)?  Mount Davis?  Delaware River?  If you have not visited any of these, can you describe a mountain, lake, or other place in PA you have visited that may be similar?

4 Chapter 1: The Land of Pennsylvania Lesson 1: Exploring Pennsylvania

5 The View from Above

6  Pennsylvania is located in the United States in the Continent of North America.  A continent is the largest land mass on the Earth. There are seven continents.

7 Pennsylvania’s Neighbors  Pennsylvania is located in the northeastern United States.  New York lies to the north.  New Jersey shares an eastern border.  Pennsylvania’s southern borders are West Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware.  Ohio is west of Pennsylvania.

8 Pennsylvania’s Neighbors  Known as the Keystone State.  A Keystone is the middle stone at the top of an arch.  Pennsylvania acts as a “keystone” with it’s neighboring states.


10 The Shape of Pennsylvania  Pennsylvania is roughly in the shape of a rectangle.

11 Mountains and Valleys  There are many landforms in PA.  A landform is natural feature on Earth’s surface such as a mountain, valley, or a canyon.  All of PA’s mountains are part of the Appalachian Mountains.  The highest mountain is Mount Davis.


13 Rivers and Lakes  Lake Erie borders PA in the northwestern corner – one of the Great Lakes.  Pine Creek Gorge is known as the “Grand Canyon of the East.”  Gorge: deep narrow valley with steep walls

14 Rivers and Lakes  **There are three great rivers in PA:  Delaware River: forms eastern border  Susquehanna River: flows through central PA  Ohio River is located in western PA  Fill in the Rivers on your Map.

15 Links to the World  Waterways make our state a center of transportation and business.  Cargo and freight are carried on the Ohio River which joins the Mississippi River.

16 What stuck with you?!  Think of three facts or details that you can recall about today’s lesson.  We will share and you can post your sticky note on the board.

17 Lesson 2: Taking Care of Pennsylvania

18 Pennsylvania’s Treasures  PA is home to many natural resources.  A natural resource is a material found in nature that people can use such as trees.  Other Examples? ____

19 Pennsylvania’s Treasures  Minerals include sandstone and limestone which are used to make glass and cement.  PA is also home to coal, oil, and natural gas – or fossil fuels.  Fossil fuels are fuels made from remains of plants and animals from millions of years ago.


21 Pennsylvania’s Treasures  Types of Natural Resources:  Renewable Natural Resources: these can be replaced such as water and trees.  Non-Renewable Resources: these cannot be replaced such as Fossil Fuels.

22 Lesson 3: Climate, Plants, and Animals

23 Pennsylvania Climate  Climate is the pattern of weather over a long period of time.  Pennsylvania has temperate climate which means it does not have extreme hot or cold temperatures.

24 Pennsylvania Climate  Temperature and Precipitation vary.  Precipitation: water that falls to Earth as either rain, snow, hail, or sleet.

25 Pennsylvania Climate  Elevation also affects climate.  Elevation is the height of the land.  At higher elevations, temperatures are colder.  Southeastern PA’s lower lands have warmer winters meaning less snow.  Harsh winters in the mountains.

26 Pennsylvania’s Plant Life  A variety of vegetation, or plants and trees, grows in PA.  Each habitat, or place where plants and animals live, supports different vegetation.  Hardwood trees grow in the valleys (oak, elm, maple)  Cranberries thrive in marsh.  Blueberries prefer rocky hillsides.

27 Pennsylvania’s Plant Life  John Bartram opened first botanical garden in Philadelphia in 1728.  A botanical garden is a garden to display and study plants.

28 Wildlife in Pennsylvania  Black bears and white tailed deer live throughout PA.  Squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, beavers, foxes, and skunks are common.  More than 350 birds in PA.  The Ruffed Grouse is the State Bird.  Salamanders can be found in Western PA.  Trout, perch, bass, and catfish live in the waterways.

29 Famous Phil  PA is home to groundhogs and hedgehogs.  Legend says if a groundhog sees his shadow on Feb. 2, there will be winter for 6 more weeks.  Punxsutawney Phil has been a tradition since 1886.

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