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Behind every successful individual student… …is an individualized schedule matched to student need!

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Presentation on theme: "Behind every successful individual student… …is an individualized schedule matched to student need!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Behind every successful individual student… …is an individualized schedule matched to student need!

2 Describe the schedules you use with individual students in your classroom.

3 Answer the question of:  When will we break for lunch?  When do I get to go home today?  When is Christmas break, spring break, and all other days off of school? When?

4  A schedule shows a student what activities will occur and in what sequence.  Schedules provide a and reference for students.  Schedules are to meet the unique learner characteristics of each student. visually concrete constant individualized

5  Schedules can reduce anxiety for students by making the environment.  Schedules can be for students by providing specific time for preferred activities.  Schedules teach through a change in activities or in the sequence of events.  Schedules can by focusing on the schedule rather than the teacher. predictable motivating flexibility reducepowerstruggles

6  Schedules support students that have difficulty with and.  Schedules assist students with language comprehension difficulties to what is expected of them.  Schedules assist students in between activities and environments. sequential memory organization of time understand transitioning independently

7  Symbol Hierarchy  Functional object  Representational object  Photograph  Line drawing  words Concrete Abstract

8 Visual supportLengthOrganizationManipulationLocationTransition Created by FDLRS Action; adapted from Division TEACCH functional object representational object photograph line drawing words teacher directed first/next activity part day full day top to bottom left to right match/carry cue to location put cue in “finish” pocket check or mark off stationary portable teacher guided verbal cue only student/peer guided object, picture, word cue card environmental cue/ student initiated

9  Visual Support  Length  Organization  Manipulation  Location  Transition line drawing activity top to bottom check or mark off stationary verbal cue student/peer guided environmental/ student initiated

10  Visual Support  Length  Organization  Manipulation  Location  Transition line drawing full day top to bottom Put cue in “finish” pocket stationary teacher guided verbal cue student/peer guided environmental/ student initiated

11 Your Turn  Visual Support  Length  Organization  Manipulation  Location  Transition

12 Your Turn  Visual Support  Length  Organization  Manipulation  Location  Transition

13 Your Turn  Visual Support  Length  Organization  Manipulation  Location  Transition “secondary schedule” From Boardmaker in AS folder

14 Reflect: Self-monitoring checklist for classroom scheduling & individual student schedules

15 The learner will …  identify effective elements of collaboration.  develop a classroom schedule addressing instructional diversity, utilization of resources, and inclusionary opportunities.  design student schedules matched to targeted level of visual support and utilized across learning environments.

16 I AM CONFIDENT DEVELOPING/REFINING STUDENT SCHEDULES TO REFLECT THE NEEDS OF MY STUDENTS. Very Confident! Good to go! Somewhat Confident! Need to make refinements! Would like to chat with facilitator.

17 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.

18 Select a student for whom you feel their schedule is in need of refinement. Using the student schedule chart, revisit each dimension of the student schedule. What is in need of adjustment to better meet the needs of your targeted student? Write a short reflection about this exercise and share it with your facilitator.

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