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1 KM in eBusiness & CRM: South African case study findings 指導教授:歐陽超 組員: M9401002 鄭瓊華 M9401003 王怡文 M9401005 徐巧蓉 M9401105 張皋維.

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Presentation on theme: "1 KM in eBusiness & CRM: South African case study findings 指導教授:歐陽超 組員: M9401002 鄭瓊華 M9401003 王怡文 M9401005 徐巧蓉 M9401105 張皋維."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 KM in eBusiness & CRM: South African case study findings 指導教授:歐陽超 組員: M9401002 鄭瓊華 M9401003 王怡文 M9401005 徐巧蓉 M9401105 張皋維

2 2 Outlet Abstract Introduction Definitions Role of KM in eBusiness and CRM South African Case Study Findings Conclusions

3 3 Abstract A prerequisite for eBusiness and its increasing customer centric focus. KM systems are now essential to ensure that value is extracted from knowledge internal and external to the organization. An integral part of CRM and eBusiness.

4 4 Introduction eBusiness is the buzzword of the new millennium. eBusiness has positioned itself to lead the world into a new era, presenting virtually unlimited opportunities. Organizations have made the shift from traditional business rules to the rules of the new economy.

5 5 Introduction (Con’t) The drivers of competitive advantage in the new economy. This article aims to define the role of KM in eBusiness and CRM.

6 6 Definitions of KM Other Author(s) Definitions Yu, 2000 A set of approaches organizational knowledge. Havens & Knapp, 1998 Community is the most significant differentiator between KM and IM. Parlby & Taylor, 2000 Supporting innovation, the generation of new ideas and the exploitation of the organization’s thinking power. Harris, 1999 A business process that formalizes management and leverage of a firm’s intellectual assets.

7 7 Definitions of KM - Author A planned, structured approach to manage the creation, sharing, harvesting and leveraging of knowledge as an organizational asset. Enhance a company’s ability, speed and effectiveness in delivering products or services for the benefit of clients, in line with its business strategy.

8 8 Definitions of eBusiness Other Author(s) Definitions Stewart, 2000 Is commerce conducted in cyberspace. Gartner Group The Internet and Web are essential components of an eBusiness strategy. Harris & Plummer, 1999 Using electronic interactions.

9 9 Definitions of eBusiness - Author eBusiness is broader than eCommerce. eBusiness is about conducting business electronically over the Internet.

10 10 Definitions of CRM Other Author(s) Definitions Brown, 2000 To understand, anticipate and mange the needs of an organization’s current and potential customers. Handen, 2000 Process of acquiring, retaining and growing profitable customers. Harris, 1999 A technology-enabled strategy to support business actions in response and in anticipation of, actual customer behavior. Nicolett, Andren & Gilbert, 2000 An enterprise-wide business strategy designed to optimize profitability.

11 11 Definitions of CRM - Author KM System Customer Knowledge (CRM) Product Knowledge Service Knowledge Industry Knowledge Competitor Knowledge Regulatory Environment Knowledge Methods & Process Knowledge

12 12 KM Barriers 7 7 Lack of knowledge sharing culture 8 8 Lack of training 9 9 Lack of enabling technologies 10 Lack of KM processes 11 Lack of understanding of the value proposition of KM 12 Lack of KM skills 1 1 Lack of leadership 2 2 Lack of buy-in from all levels in the organization 3 3 Lack of KM strategy 4 4 Inadequate management of knowledge on different levels 5 5 Lack of shared understanding of the concept of KM 6 6 Diverse languages used in one environment

13 13 Role of KM in eBusiness Environment Acts as change agent. Ensures the availability and accessibility of knowledge on the issues strategic to the business. More complex than traditional bricks and mortar businesses.

14 14 Role of KM in eBusiness Environment (Con’t) Increases organizational agility. Increases eBusinesses’ efficiency. Integration between disparate groups or departments within an eBusiness.

15 15 Role of KM in eBusiness Environment (Con’t) Wind up with a widening customer and supplier base. KM Lifecycle KM Lifecycle CreationLeveraging HarvestingSharing

16 16 Role of KM in eBusiness Environment (Con’t) Facilitates transparency in terms of the availability of knowledge. Collaboration is becoming increasingly prevalent. Fosters a culture of innovation and creativity.

17 17 Role of KM in eBusiness Environment (Con’t) Creates a self-learning environment. Provides the structure, tools and processes to provide one single interface with multiple business partners.

18 18 Role of KM in CRM Environment Creating a ‘‘market of one’’. KM provides the tools, processes and platforms for staff to share knowledge on customers. Facilitates transparency in geographically dispersed organizations in terms of the availability of knowledge.

19 19 Strengths and weaknesses of KM in the eBusiness and CRM environment in selected South African industries. (Fig. 4) KM efficiency improvements KM as integration and change agent Role of KM in strategic organizational direction Knowledge attrition KM in the learning environment / link to innovation Pooling of expertise KM efficiency improvements KM increases organizational agility Role of KM strategic organizational direction Knowledge attrition Virtual communities and knowledge sharing Pooling of expertise KM efficiency improvements KM overcomes increased knowledge base and organizational complexity Role of KM in adoption of the eBusiness model Knowledge attrition Virtual communities and knowledge sharing KM in the learning environment / link to innovation KM efficiency improvements KM increases organizational agility Role of KM strategic organizational direction Knowledge attrition Virtual communities and knowledge sharing Role of KM in adoption of the eBusiness model StrengthsWeaknesses Professional Services IT Financial Services Telecoms

20 20 South African Case Study Findings Limited implementation scale Labour market Technology Understanding of the value proposition of KM and how KM integrates with the business

21 21 South African Case Study Findings (Con’t) Limited eBusiness implementation in South Africa Limited KM specialists ‘‘Knowledge is power’’ syndrome Literacy levels and language differences

22 22 Conclusions KM The KM value proposition with reference to eBusiness and CRM is not very different than the generic value proposition of KM. Account when designing, implementing and managing KM programs. An awareness and education of KM specialists need to take place.

23 23 Thanks for your attention !

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