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SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE Development & Participation in 2010 and What’s Next.

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Presentation on theme: "SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE Development & Participation in 2010 and What’s Next."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE Development & Participation in 2010 and What’s Next

2 DOMESTIC ACTIVITY THIS YEAR Supported Participation Programs Initiated systems to Track Racing Sailor & Coach Activity Facilitated Coach & Instructor Mentoring / Development Appointed expert Coaching to sailor groups Facilitated recruitment measures for entry & development of persons and athletes with disabilities Streamlined administrative & task force capacity SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE


4 REVIEWS COMPLETE Sailor development review Coaching / Instructors development review Competition review Teams review REVIEWS PENDING Sailor Programs Club Development Officials Development

5 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE SAILOR PROGRAMMING Sailors who have the skills and motivation to.... with expert coaching/instruction, develop into high performance sailors for Canada enjoy Sailing for Life support Sailing for Life

6 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE SAILOR PROGRAMMING NEXT STEPS Sailor development programming review & update Transition, implementation and business plan for any revised programs

7 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE COACHES & INTRUCTORS Coaches who have the skills and motivation to: Teach the necessary skills, at the appropriate stage of development, to develop young sailors into performance sailors for Canada Impart a love for sailing as a lifetime activity to all who are introduced to the sport Pursue ongoing coaching development, and pathways to coaching as a profession

8 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE COACHES & INTRUCTORS NEXT STEPS Updating of existing content and training delivery in coaching and instructors programs; Advanced and master recognition for coaches and instructors with expertise at specific stages of athlete development; Development of accessible professional development opportunities Transition, implementation and business plan for any revised programs

9 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE OFFICIALS Officials who have the skills and motivation to: Support coaches and sailors learning the rules of the sport at the appropriate stage of development Deliver events focused on the needs of the athlete Pursue ongoing officials development, and pathways to officiating as a lifetime role

10 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE OFFICIALS NEXT STEPS Review race management and judging practices at Opti and early stage introductory competitive events; Investigate introduction of officials training into sailor development programming;

11 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE COMPETITIONS Competitions that support the needs of the sailor Appropriate event formats for age/stage needs of the sailors involved Appropriate travel expectations for the age/stage of sailor involved Athlete support at National and Regional events through CYA facilitated on-site coaching expertise

12 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE COMPETITIONS NEXT STEPS Implementing a competition pathway that is aligned with the needs of sailors at each stage of development; Expand the on-site coach program at CYA National and Regional events Transition, implementation and business plan for any revised programs

13 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE TEAMS Team selection processes that support LTSD Selection policies that are consistent with the age/stage development priorities of the sailors involved Recognition opportunities for self-identified ‘fast track’ sailors within LTSD model

14 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE TEAMS NEXT STEPS Implement any recommended changes to Teams selection processes, based on LTSD review

15 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE CLUBS A network of CYA supported Clubs, delivering programs that support LTSD Successful business operations Expanded and engaged membership base

16 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE CLUBS NEXT STEPS Implementation planning and support for necessary changes to integrate LTSD at Club level Facilitation of shared best business practices among CYA clubs



19 13:50 Session A Programming that Encourages PARTICIPATION MAKING SAILING ACCESSIBLE TO ALL INCLUSION & INTRODUCTION PROGRAMMING Persons with Disabilities School Programs Women & Girls First Nations Persons in Remote Areas Non-club members Gillian Thomson Tine Moberg-Parker

20 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE 13:50 Session B SAILING FOR LIFE PATHWAYS LEARN TO CRUISE PERSONAL and PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT David West Colin Jackson UPDATING PROGRAMMING: CYA Basic Cruising CYA Intermediate Cruising CYA Coastal Navigation Resources Electronic Navigation Navigational Symbols & Abbreviations Transport Canada - update

21 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE 14:50 Session C To RACE or NOT to RACE? RACE & EVENT MANAGEMENT in UNCERTAIN WEATHER Paul Ulibarri Peter van Muyden Tanya Chamberlain Middle and Long Distance Offshore Events Opti & Youth Development Events Responsibilities beyond that of the Sailor

22 SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE 14:50 Session D The Business of Delivering Sailing Value for Membership Year-round programs delivery at your club Graeme Clendenan Adult Programming Winter Programming Shore-Based Programming Club Partnering CYA Wet Feet Implementation

23 QUESTIONS ∙ FEEDBACK CONTRIBUTIONS Provide feedback & contribute samples of best practices! Get onboard! SAILING TO WIN SAILING FOR LIFE

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