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CSE 4939 Alex Riordan Brian Pruitt-Goddard. Design an interactive source control application that works between an android phone and a project located.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 4939 Alex Riordan Brian Pruitt-Goddard. Design an interactive source control application that works between an android phone and a project located."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 4939 Alex Riordan Brian Pruitt-Goddard

2 Design an interactive source control application that works between an android phone and a project located on a remote server. Allow client to create, edit, open, and save small source files. Allow other commands including diffs. User chooses file to work with and server options (address, etc)

3 Use XML-RPC to send data over HTTP encoded as XML. Simple and light-weight Works across different OS and environments Supports complex data structures Call server methods from client (RPC)

4 Use android-xmlrpc library Very thin Simple XMLRPCClient client = new XMLRPCClient(""); //Call the add server function with params 2 and 4 int sum = (Integer)"add", 2, 4);

5 Use Apache XML-RPC Minimal Simple //Create WebServer at specified port number WebServer webServer = new WebServer(8888); XmlRpcServer xmlRpcServer = webServer.getXmlRpcServer(); //Create property mapping to Foo class PropertyHandlerMapping phm = new PropertyHandlerMapping(); phm.addHandler("Foo", org.apache.xmlrpc.demo.Foo.class); //Set mapping xmlRpcServer.setHandlerMapping(phm); //Start WebServer webServer.start();

6 Phone with Android version 2.2 Access to Project/SVN server Phone is connected to the Internet

7 UI should be responsive Server has to respond to client within reasonable amount of time If it is operating on a large program, give some indication of progress

8 Simple and intuitive client Server handles file errors and outputs meaningful error message Reliable source control operations

9 Basic Android functionality Server and Client talking Able to call server methods from client and get results

10 October  Be able to transmit objects (files) over connection  Have server compile and run java file and pipe output  Handle output at server and report it to client

11 November-December  Hook SVN/project software to server program  Allow user to create program client side using text editor  Write documentation  Fix bugs  Implement syntax highlighting and other extra features if time permits


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