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Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Technical Workshop 2013 Esri International User Conference July 8–12, 2013 | San Diego, California Making Beautiful Maps.

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Presentation on theme: "Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Technical Workshop 2013 Esri International User Conference July 8–12, 2013 | San Diego, California Making Beautiful Maps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Technical Workshop 2013 Esri International User Conference July 8–12, 2013 | San Diego, California Making Beautiful Maps Aileen Buckley and Kenneth Field

2 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Agenda Show you some maps we have made Explain some of the methods we used to make them Share some resources with you Aileen: - Bivariate choropleth maps - Temporal maps Ken: - Minard flow map of Napoleon's March on Moscow - Dasymetric mapping for the U.S. presidential election Making Beautiful Maps

3 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Aileen Buckley Bivariate choropleth maps Making Beautiful Maps

4 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. What are bivariate choropleth maps? choropleth Maps that simultaneously show two variables using the choropleth map method - Choropleth maps use polygon fills to represent quantitative values χώροπλήθ[ος] - Greek χώρο– + πλήθ[ος] choropleth - “choro” (area/region) + “pleth” = quantity/increase Making Beautiful Maps

5 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop.Making Beautiful Maps

6 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. What are the considerations when you use choropleth maps? Choropleth maps give the impression of - Uniformity in data within the data collection units - Abrupt breaks that occur at the unit boundaries spatially intensive Use quantitative values that are spatially intensive (do not depend on the size of the unit area) Making Beautiful Maps

7 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Learn more! ArcUser, Winter 2013 Making Beautiful Maps

8 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. The purpose of multivariate mapping To display more than one variable simultaneously To allow for estimation of the degree or spatial pattern of cross-correlation between variables Effectiveness of a method is related to readability and accurate representation of the data Making Beautiful Maps

9 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Cross-variable mapping Simultaneously depict magnitude of variables within homogeneous area for multiple map themes - Bivariate mapping - Trivariate mapping Making Beautiful Maps

10 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Early examples Making Beautiful Maps

11 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Early examples Making Beautiful Maps

12 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Making Beautiful Maps

13 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Cross-variable mapping Limitations Limitations - Because the number of classes the human eye can distinguish is limited, cross- variable mapping is generally restricted to combinations of either two or three variables - Appropriate symbol (color) selection is important for map readability Advantages Advantages - This technique is useful for simultaneously displaying a few variables (two or three) Recommendations Recommendations - It is often useful to also provide separate maps of each of the variables shown on the bi- or trivariate map Making Beautiful Maps

14 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Two ways to do this in ArcMap Bivariate renderer - Use this to render the data on-the-fly - Use this to create a live legend (linked to the renderer) Bivariate script tool - Use this to calculate the quantile classes in the feature class - Use the Match to Symbols in a Style renderer - Use the LegendMaker.mxd to make the legend Making Beautiful Maps

15 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Two ways to do this in ArcMap Exploration Bivariate renderer - Use this to render the data on-the-fly - Use this to create a live legend (linked to the renderer)Presentation Bivariate script tool - Use this to calculate the quantile classes in the feature class - Use the Match to Symbols in a Style renderer - Use the LegendMaker.mxd to make the legend Making Beautiful Maps

16 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Bivariate renderer Download file and unzip it Register the.dll Making Beautiful Maps Directory and name of the file

17 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Styles – based on Brewer’s color research Making Beautiful Maps

18 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Brewer’s Color Schemes Diverging color schemes Brewer, Cynthia. 2005. Designing Better Maps, with permission form CaGIS and Esri Press Making Beautiful Maps

19 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Making Beautiful Maps Used to find intermediate colors

20 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop.Making Beautiful Maps

21 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. ArcMap styles Making Beautiful Maps

22 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. ArcMap styles Making Beautiful Maps

23 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Kenneth Field Napoleon’s March on Moscow Making Beautiful Maps

24 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Kenneth Field Dasymetric mapping Making Beautiful Maps

25 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop. Please fill out the session evaluation First Offering ID: 1189 Second Offering ID: 2107 Online – Paper – pick up and put in drop box Thank you… Making Beautiful Maps

26 Esri UC2013. Technical Workshop.Making Beautiful Maps

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