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12/12/2014 Tell me about Thomas Becket. What happened? Who “did it”?

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1 12/12/2014 Tell me about Thomas Becket. What happened? Who “did it”?


3  Turks (Muslims) gain control of the Holy Lands and threaten Constantinople  Byzantine emperor asks Pope for help  Pope Urban II asks Lords for help, to quit fighting amongst themselves and unite  to fight and win back the Holy Lands  “wear cross on right shoulder or back with one voice…cry out: God wills it, God wills it!”

4  1000s – Muslims took control of Jerusalem  1095 – Pope Urban II met with European leaders and agreed to get back the Holy Land  Crusades: A series of military expeditions to regain the Holy Land  Soldiers wore crosses to represent Church and God  To save their souls, gain land/wealth, make money

5  Lasted from 1096-1099  Led by French and Italian Lords  Armies suffered a lot from heat and hunger  Finally able to capture Jerusalem then committed a huge massacre  Held Jerusalem for 100 years - Turks got it back

6  Muslims and Jews slaughtered and driven from Jerusalem  Mixing of Cultures: cultural diffusion  Muslims and Christians live side by side  Respect grows between groups  Trade sprang up between Europe and Holy Lands, (Middle East & Asia)

7  1147-1149 – France and Germany led another Crusade but they lost  1189-1192 – France, England, Holy Roman Emperor led the cause  Emperor drowned on the way over so his army left  France and England bickered and France left to go try to conqueror England  England LOST

8  Pope Innocent III sent French Knights  But the French attacked a bunch of Christian cities and got excommunicated  1212 – Youth thought they could win  Stuck at Mediterranean  Pope shipped them home but half were accidentally shipped away into slavery

9  Weapons and Warfare:  Crossbow - could penetrate chain main and armor  Catapults - to throw rocks  Gunpowder and mines  Muslims introduce long-bows and gun-powder  Modern technology in weapons leads to the decline of the Knights in Europe  Political Changes:  Nobles sold lands and died fighting  This increased power of Kings

10  Ideas and Trade:  Both Crusaders and Muslims shared ideas and knowledge  Europeans started to discover apricots, lemons, melons, rice, and sugar


12  After Rome fell… trade died out in Europe – Manors grew/made everything needed  After the Crusades…  Trade in Italy:  Crusades caused goods from Middle-East and Asia  Trade in Europe:  Vikings traveled to Asia and brought stuff back

13  Asia = dyes, silks, spices, linen, fruit, grain, rugs  Europe = Fur, timber, leather, oil, soap, wool  Markets and Fairs = formed to sell goods  Taxes began on goods that were sold  Armed guards protected merchants  Turned into social events

14  Barter Economy: Good and services exchanged for other goods and services – NO money  Market Economy: Money - Land, labor, and capital are controlled by individuals persons  Domestic System: goods were made in homes  Jews became bankers (no other jobs for them)  Bills of Exchange: Notes used in place of money

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