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Chris Stone Assistant Deputy Director Water Resources Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Chris Stone Assistant Deputy Director Water Resources Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chris Stone Assistant Deputy Director Water Resources Division

2 The Flood Control District, created in 1915 by State legislation, has a responsibility to manage stormwater runoff and other waters for beneficial and useful purposes Operates and Maintains:  26 groundwater recharge facilities (spreading grounds)  14 dams  16 rubber dams  524 miles of channels  2,800 miles of tributary storm drains

3 The combined surface storage capacity at the spreading grounds and behind the dams is 137,300 acre-feet Big Tujunga Dam

4  There are 325,852 gallons in one acre-foot of water.  One acre-foot of water would cover an entire football field approximately one-foot deep.  One acre-foot of water is sufficient to serve two families of four for an entire year.

5  1/3 of Los Angeles County’s water supply comes from groundwater  Los Angeles County Dept. of Public Works operates 26 spreading grounds covering 2,400 acres with over 23,000 acre-feet of storage capacity

6  Average recharge is 280,000 acre-feet of water per year  Enough water to serve over 2.2 million people each year  Over 1,000,000 acre-feet of water were recharged during the 2010 and 2011 water-years  The value of this water is more than $550 million

7  Increase and Improve:  Storage capacity  Intake capacity  Percolation rate Efficiency Recently: 99% of San Gabriel River stormwater is captured  Prepare for:  Long periods of stormwater runoff in wet years  Opportunities to increase recharge of recycled water  Opportunities to replenish the aquifers with imported water

8 For more information, visit:

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