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Space Planning Update Academic Senate Committee on Research Lori Yamauchi Associate Vice Chancellor, Campus Planning October 20, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Space Planning Update Academic Senate Committee on Research Lori Yamauchi Associate Vice Chancellor, Campus Planning October 20, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Planning Update Academic Senate Committee on Research Lori Yamauchi Associate Vice Chancellor, Campus Planning October 20, 2014

2 Campus Planning Outline Space Governance and Committees –Space Governance Policy –UCSF Space Committee –School-specific committees Space Management System Project Update –Project Goals and Key Outcomes –Scope and Timeline –Project Implementation Governance Structure –Summary of Current State Issues Other Space Planning of Research Space –Mission Hall workplace study –CSB/UCH renovation and space management –Laurel Heights relocation planning –Mission Bay Blocks 33/34 building –SFGH Research building 2

3 Campus Planning Space Governance and Committees Space Committee and Space Governance Policy UCSF-wide Space Committee appointed by Chancellor to: ­ Ensure that space is allocated, used, and managed effectively ­ Provide for uniform, equitable, transparent and effective governance and management of space Committee includes EVCP, deans, Med. Ctr. CEO, SVC-FAS, AVC Planning, Asst. EVCP – Senate rep. is invited Space Governance Policy approved in January 2013 includes principles on: ­ Space accountability and governance ­ Fairness/transparency in deployment of space ­ Non-permanent allocation/retention/use of space ­ Operational cost responsibility for space Space Management Systems need to be overhauled and consolidated to support effective space governance at UCSF 3

4 Campus Planning Space Governance and Committees School-specific Committees School of Medicine Space Committee Schools of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing manage space through their deans’ offices and through ad-hoc committees 4

5 Campus Planning Space Management System Project Update Project Goals Implement end-to-end space systems that encompass technology, business processes and reporting to enable UCSF to manage space as a strategic asset. Inspire a cultural shift at UCSF towards environment of transparency and collaboration as it relates to space management. 5

6 Campus Planning Space Management System Project Update Key Outcomes Technology –Deliver technology for priority business areas while balancing building for the future. –Leverage, where feasible, existing software tools from Campus, Medical Center, sister UC campuses and Office of the President. –Identify systems that will be retired and include transition in implementation plans to eliminate duplication and redundancy. –Integrate data in an efficient manner to ensure that the management of space is based on current information. Business Process –Fix process and data flows along with implementing technology. –Incorporate any related campus-wide changes into design analysis. –Clearly define roles and responsibilities. 6

7 Campus Planning Space Management System Project Update Scope and Timeline Scope (Primary Focus) –Space Inventory –Assignment of Space –Space utilization –Research Grants location –Personnel location –Future Planning –Research Revenue and Costs Timeline –Develop RoadmapJuly – Nov. 2014 –Conceptual Design and Detailed PlanDec. 2014 – April 2015 –Implement Wave 1April – Dec. 2015 –Design and implement Wave 2Post Jan. 2016 tbd 7

8 Project Leadership Team Owner Lori Yamauchi Project Leader TBD Director, Space Analytics Project Manager Jill Goldsmith, PMO Steering Committee Lori Yamauchi, Campus Planning (Chair) Michael Bade, Capital Programs Alvin Cantor, Med Center Maye Chrisman, DOM Clarice Estrada, CVRI Barbara Hollinger, Family Hlth Care Nursing Tim Mahaney, Med Center Esther Morales, Real Estate Michael Nordberg, SOP Anja Paardekooper, SOM Miriam Rike, FAS Jerome Sak, BRM Susan Schultz, SOD Jason Stout, HR Ethan Weiss, CVRI Bruce Wintroub, SOM Work Group Adele Dow, Cancer Ctr Rick Fisher, Space System Admin Paul Franke, Campus Planning Karen Ho, SON Lisa Lettau, Med Ctr Bonnie Maler, SOM Nilo Mia, BRM Bob Pizzi, Campus Planning Jerome Sak, BRM Valerie Starling-Head, SOP Juan Torres, Capital Programs Karin Wong, DOM CORE Functional, Technical, Change Management Team Ron Campbell, Erika Luger SME Groups TBD based upon the topical focus Executive Sponsors John Plotts, Jeff Bluestone UCSF Space Committee Project Implementation Governance Structure 8

9 Campus Planning 9 Summary of Current State Issues 9

10 Campus Planning Other Space Planning of Research Space Mission Hall Workplace Research Study –Evaluate faculty and staff use and occupancy of workspace in Mission Hall over time –Study findings will inform plans for future dry research and academic office projects CSB/UCH Renovation and Space Management –CSB to be vacated and renovated with desktop/office space (Hybrid office/activity based work stations) and education/meeting space Following CSB renovation, UCH will be vacated and renovated with desktop/office space on lower three floors and housing on upper three floors –Faculty Advisory Committee developing guiding principles and guidelines on occupancy of CSB and UCH, and assignment of private offices, which will change over time 10

11 Campus Planning Other Space Planning of Research Space Laurel Heights Relocation Planning –Laurel Heights to be leased to private developer and space will be leased back by UCSF and vacated within five years –Information on Laurel Heights occupants’ personnel, space types/quality, location/adjacency preferences is being collected to inform relocation options and plans. Mission Bay Blocks 33/34 Building –Blocks 33/34, across Third Street from Mission Bay Medical Center site, was acquired in August. –Phase 1 building with 300K gross square feet (GSF) planning underway – dry research, administrative and clinical uses are being considered. Targeting completion by 2019. SFGH Research Building –Proposed 175K GSF research building on B/C surface parking lot to be leased from City – wet and dry space for programs in seismically deficient buildings at SFGH and for off-site programs related to SFGH 11

12 12 Questions?

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