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Ensemble forecasting/data assimilation and model error estimation algorithm Prepared by Dusanka Zupanski and Milija Zupanski CIRA/CSU Denning group meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Ensemble forecasting/data assimilation and model error estimation algorithm Prepared by Dusanka Zupanski and Milija Zupanski CIRA/CSU Denning group meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ensemble forecasting/data assimilation and model error estimation algorithm Prepared by Dusanka Zupanski and Milija Zupanski CIRA/CSU Denning group meeting December 29, 2004 Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU References Zupanski, M., 2005: The Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter. Theoretical aspects. Accepted in Mon. Wea. Rev. [Available at] Zupanski, D., and M. Zupanski, 2005: Model error estimation employing ensemble data assimilation approach. Submitted to Mon. Wea. Rev. [Available at]

2 Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter (MLEF) Developed using ideas from :  Variational data assimilation (3DVAR, 4DVAR)  Iterated Kalman Filters  Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF, Bishop et al. 2001) What the MLEF can do ?  Calculate optimal estimates of: - model state variables (e.g., carbon fluxes, sources, sinks) - empirical parameters (e.g., light response, allocation, drought stress) - model error (bias) - boundary conditions error (lateral, top, bottom boundaries)  Calculate uncertainty of all estimates  Calculate information content of observations (observability in ensemble subspace) Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU

3  Calculate sensitivity, defined in calculus of variations - find the most likely sources/sinks of carbon  Define targeted observations strategies, based on the forecast uncertainty - the system knows where, when and which observations are needed in order to reduce forecast uncertainty  Acquire new knowledge about atmospheric and carbon processes - the system learns from the past about the state variables, model errors, empirical parameters, etc. - the system is adaptive (updates error covariance matrices in each data assimilation cycle) What the MLEF can do (continued) ? Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU

4 DATA ASSIMILATION (ESTIMATION THEORY) Discrete stochastic-dynamic model Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU Discrete stochastic observation model x k-1 – model state w k-1 – model error (stochastic forcing) M – non-linear dynamic (NWP) model G – operator reflecting the state dependence of model error  k – measurement + representativeness error M  D H– non-linear observation operator ( M  D ) Gurney et al. (2003, Tellus) (?)

5 MLEF APPROACH Change of variable - control vector in ensemble space of dim Nens Minimize cost function J - model state vector of dim Nstate >>Nens Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU

6 MLEF APPROACH (continued) Analysis error covariance In Gurney et al. (2003) Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU

7 Forecast error covariance In standard Kalman filter Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU MLEF APPROACH (continued)

8 Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU Initial cycles carry more information. Model has a capability to learn from the observations in later cycles. MLEF application to calculate information content RAMS model example Observation categories within the same cycle Multiple cycles

9 Ensemble Data Assimilation results with CSU global shallow-water model Impact (contribution) from each observation type can be quantified ! Milija Zupanski, CIRA/CSU Observation categories within the same cycle Multiple cycles

10 MLEF Algorithm WARM start: Copy files from previously completed cycle COLD start: Run randomly-perturbed ensemble forecasts to initialize fcst err cov icycle < N_cycles_max - Prepare first-guess (background) vector - Prepare forecast error covariance (from ensembles) Given ‘OBSTYPE’ and ‘delobs’, select and copy available obs files Iterative minimization of cost function, save current cycle output Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU

11 MLEF Algorithm script iter < ioutmax Transformation from model space to observation space - Analysis error covariance calculation - Save current cycle output files - Post-processing (chi-square, RMS, etc.) Hessian preconditioning (only for iter=1) Gradient calculation (ensembles) Cost function calculation (diagnostic) Minimization (ensemble subspace) Step-length (line-search) Control variable update (transformation from ensemble subspace to model (physical) space) Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU

12 MLEF Algorithm Options Models: KdVB, GEOS, SWM, RAMS, … Observations: Synthetic or include various real observations Obs. operators:Include various forward operators Solution Type:Mode (max likelihood-MLEF) or Mean (ensemble mean ETKF) Estimator:Filter or Smoother Control variable:Initial conditions, Model bias, Model parameters Covariances:Localized, or Non-localized forecast error covariance Minimization:Minimization algorithm (C-G, L-BFGS) MPI:Parallel MPI run or a Single processor run Verifications:Innovation statistics (chi-square test, K-S test), RMS-errors Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU

13  Decide which MODELs will be used (LPDM, SiB-CASA-RAMS, PCTM)  In initial experiments use MODEL as in Gurney et al. (2003)  Install LAPACK on your computer, unless it already exists. Compile with 32 bit object code option (LAPACK can be found at  Install MLEF algorithm on your computer  Include MODEL into MLEF - develop an interface between MODEL and MLEF (a template from SWM, RAMS is available) - prepare all input files for the model  Prepare observations - synthetic observations of atmospheric and carbon variables - separate observations into groups (if needed) - define data assimilation interval Tasks Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU

14  Perform initial data assimilation experiments with synthetic observations - perfect model assumption experiments - parameter estimation experiments - model error estimation experiments  Develop observation operators for: - atmospheric observations (u,v,T,p,q, etc.) - carbon observations  Data assimilation and ensemble forecasting experiments with real observations - LPDM - SiB-CASA-RAMS - PCTM Tasks (continued) Major development assignments  Model related tasks (LPDM, SiB-CASA-RAMS, PCTM)  Observation operators related tasks Dusanka Zupanski, CIRA/CSU

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