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Warm Up: English 11 17 February 2016 For each of these sentences, figure out the issue and then fix it. 1.Allowing “God’s icy wind to blow” (81) sacrificing.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: English 11 17 February 2016 For each of these sentences, figure out the issue and then fix it. 1.Allowing “God’s icy wind to blow” (81) sacrificing."— Presentation transcript:


2 Warm Up: English 11 17 February 2016 For each of these sentences, figure out the issue and then fix it. 1.Allowing “God’s icy wind to blow” (81) sacrificing himself for his wife and what is right. 2.John stated that his promise to Abigail was “the promise that a stallion gives to a mare.” (56). 3.Abigail, a mischievous Young girl growing up in a very spiritually and morally strict time period.

3 Important dates Friday: Vocabulary Quiz Due: Act 3 Questions Revised Paragraph

4 Quotations correctly punctuated with page number: 44% correct Correct: Abigail says that Tituba “makes [her] laugh at prayer!” (44) Incorrect: Abigail says that Tituba “makes [her] laugh at prayer!” (44).

5 Quotations correctly punctuated with page number: 44% correct Correct: Abigail says that Tituba “makes [her] laugh at prayer!” (44) Incorrect: Abigail says that Tituba “makes [her] laugh at prayer!” (44). Correct: Mary Warren tells Hale that she made the poppet and “give it to Goody Proctor tonight” (75). Incorrect: Mary Warren tells Hale that she made the poppet and “give it to Goody Proctor tonight.” (75)

6 Correct: John Proctor does not feel the same about her anymore and says, “I’ll not be comin’ for you more” (22). Correct: John Proctor does not feel the same about her anymore and says, “I’ll not be comin’ for you more” (Miller 22). Incorrect: John John Proctor does not feel the same about her anymore and says, “I’ll not be comin’ for you more” (pg22). Incorrect: John John Proctor does not feel the same about her anymore and says, “I’ll not be comin’ for you more” (page 22). Other examples

7 No use of I/me/my or you/your: 85% Correct: While it could be argued that Abigail is motivated by love, it is something closer to greed that motivates her. Incorrect: While it could be argued that Abigail is motivated by love, I think it is something closer to greed that motivates her. Correct: John Proctor is not a typical cheater – he feels contrite for his mistake. Incorrect: : John Proctor is not your typical cheater – he feels contrite for his mistake.

8 No comma splices or fragments: 40% correct Correct: Abigail is a mischievous young girl growing up in a very spiritually and morally strict time period. Incorrect: Abigail, a mischievous young girl growing up in a very spiritually and morally strict time period.

9 No comma splices or fragments: 40% correct Correct: Abigail is a mischievous young girl growing up in a very spiritually and morally strict time period. Incorrect: Abigail, a mischievous young girl growing up in a very spiritually and morally strict time period. Correct: Abigail constantly denies the fact that Proctor does not love her. She says, “I have something better than hope, I think!” (22) Incorrect. Abigail constantly denies the fact that Proctor does not love her, she says “I have something better than hope, I think!” (22)

10 Quotations correctly embedded: 30% Correct: In Parris’s line of work it seems a little out of place to complain about his salary, but Parris complains that he is “not used to this poverty” (29). Incorrect: “Mr. Corey, you will look far for a man of my kind at sixty pound a year! I am not used to this poverty” (29). In Parris’s line of work it seems a little out of place to complain about his salary.

11 Quotations correctly embedded: 30% Correct: In Parris’s line of work it seems a little out of place to complain about his salary, but Parris complains that he is “not used to this poverty” (29). Incorrect: “Mr. Corey, you will look far for a man of my kind at sixty pound a year! I am not used to this poverty” (29). In Parris’s line of work it seems a little out of place to complain about his salary. Correct: It is evident that Abigail wants Elizabeth out of the picture. Even Elizabeth knows it, saying, “She wants me dead John, you know it!” (61) Incorrect: it is evident that Abigail wants Elizabeth out of the picture, even Elizabeth knows it “She wants me dead John, you know it!” (61).

12 No use of contractions: 55% correct Hasn’t = has not Doesn’t = does not He’s = he is It’s = it is Can’t= cannot

13 MLA correctly formatted: 65% correct Times New Roman Size 12 Double Spaced Kaleb Ritter Ms. Hamm English 11 17 February 2015

14 1.Danforth states “this is a sharp time, now, a precise time—we live no longer in the dusky afternoon when evil mixed with good and befuddled the world” (Miller 94). Why is this dramatic irony? 2.What finally makes Proctor reveal his affair with Abigail? (Miller 109) 3.Why does Elizabeth Proctor lie to Danforth? (Miller 112-113) 4.When Proctor hears that his wife claims to be pregnant, what reason does he give for believing her? How does this prove to be ironic later?

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