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Dr. Ying Lu ylu at Schorr Center 104 472-5793 Aug 22, 2011 CSCE 351 Operating System Kernels.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Ying Lu ylu at Schorr Center 104 472-5793 Aug 22, 2011 CSCE 351 Operating System Kernels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Ying Lu ylu at Schorr Center 104 472-5793 Aug 22, 2011 CSCE 351 Operating System Kernels

2 Operating System Kernels Operating System Kernels Lecture: MW 3:30-4:45pm Lecture: MW 3:30-4:45pm Avery 106 Avery 106 Instructor: Dr. Ying Lu Instructor: Dr. Ying Lu Office hours: MW 2:30-3:30pm Office hours: MW 2:30-3:30pm and by appointment and by appointment Office: Schorr Center 104 Office: Schorr Center 104 e-mail: ylu AT cse, tel: (402) 472-5793 e-mail: ylu AT cse, tel: (402) 472-5793 Lecture

3 Homework TA: Weiyue Xu Homework TA: Weiyue Xu Office hours: Thursday 4:00 – 5:00pm at SRC (Avery 13A) and by appointment Office hours: Thursday 4:00 – 5:00pm at SRC (Avery 13A) and by appointment Office: Schorr Center 207 Office: Schorr Center 207 email: weiyue AT cse email: weiyue AT cse Project TA: Dongyuan Zhan Project TA: Dongyuan Zhan Office hour: Tuesday 4:00 - 5:00pm at SRC (Avery 13A) and by appointment Office hour: Tuesday 4:00 - 5:00pm at SRC (Avery 13A) and by appointment Office: Schorr Center 218 Office: Schorr Center 218 email: dzhan AT cse, tel: (402) 770 - 8372 email: dzhan AT cse, tel: (402) 770 - 8372 TAs

4 Textbook Operating Systems: Internal and Design Principles, 7th Edition by William Stallings, Prentice Hall, 2010 Operating Systems: Internal and Design Principles, 7th Edition by William Stallings, Prentice Hall, 2010

5 Course Theme and Goals An operating system (OS) is An operating system (OS) is a software system that provides its users with a convenient interface a software system that provides its users with a convenient interface masking hardware details from users and programmers, e.g., with the OS, one needs not to develop application programs in machine instructions masking hardware details from users and programmers, e.g., with the OS, one needs not to develop application programs in machine instructions Goal: Goal: Get familiar with operating system internals Get familiar with operating system internals Study the design and implementation of OS kernels Study the design and implementation of OS kernels

6 Topics Covered History and overview of operating systems History and overview of operating systems Process management Process management Memory management Memory management System calls System calls Handling of interrupts and exceptions Handling of interrupts and exceptions Low level hardware/software interface Low level hardware/software interface Race condition and critical sections Race condition and critical sections Deadlock Deadlock I/O hardware and software (if time permitted) I/O hardware and software (if time permitted)

7 Prerequisites: CSCE 230 (or CSCE 230H) and CSCE 230L (Computer Organization) CSCE 230 (or CSCE 230H) and CSCE 230L (Computer Organization) CSCE 310 (Data Structure and Algorithms) CSCE 310 (Data Structure and Algorithms)

8 Grading Class Participation 5% Class Participation 5% Assignment 60% Assignment 60% Homework 20% Homework 20% Projects 40% (Final project due during the 15 th week.) Projects 40% (Final project due during the 15 th week.) Midterm 20% Midterm 20% Final 15% (plan to be Monday before Thanksgiving, not comprehensive) Final 15% (plan to be Monday before Thanksgiving, not comprehensive)

9 Class Participation Everyone begins the semester with 2 points Everyone begins the semester with 2 points If you are active in the classroom discussion, you will earn up to 3 additional points If you are active in the classroom discussion, you will earn up to 3 additional points If you are not present during random attendance check, do not pick up graded material, you may lose up to 2 points If you are not present during random attendance check, do not pick up graded material, you may lose up to 2 points Do not use laptop, ipad, iphone, or any device that pull your attention away from the class! Do not use laptop, ipad, iphone, or any device that pull your attention away from the class!

10 Letter Grade A minimum grade of C is required for the course to count toward a CS/CE major or minor A minimum grade of C is required for the course to count toward a CS/CE major or minor A grade of C - does NOT count toward a CS/CE major or minor A grade of C - does NOT count toward a CS/CE major or minor No incomplete (I) will be given No incomplete (I) will be given A +  98 B +  87 C +  77 D +  67 F < 60 A  94 B  83 C  73 D  63 A -  90 B -  80 C -  70 D -  60

11 Late Homework All homework/lab/project submitted after its deadline is considered late All homework/lab/project submitted after its deadline is considered late Automatic two day extension will be granted in exchange for a 30% reduction in that assignment score. (Email instructor within 24 hours after the deadline to take the option.) Automatic two day extension will be granted in exchange for a 30% reduction in that assignment score. (Email instructor within 24 hours after the deadline to take the option.) No credit if you are late for more than 48 hours No credit if you are late for more than 48 hours Final project has to be submitted on time Final project has to be submitted on time

12 Course Conduct You may work in groups in You may work in groups in understanding assignments understanding assignments developing approaches and strategies developing approaches and strategies learning to use tools learning to use tools You may not You may not develop joint solutions with other students develop joint solutions with other students share code with other students share code with other students copy anything copy anything All homework constitute a team of size one! Projects a team of size two/three. All homework constitute a team of size one! Projects a team of size two/three.

13 Announcement To build our class roster To build our class roster Send our TA Dongyuan (dzhan AT an email with subject “CSCE351 roster”, your photo (<2MB) and your name by this Wednesday Send our TA Dongyuan (dzhan AT an email with subject “CSCE351 roster”, your photo (<2MB) and your name by this Wednesday Class roster example Class roster exampleexample Count toward your class participation Count toward your class participation

14 Announcement Start to form a project team of two or three members Start to form a project team of two or three members Notify our TA Dongyuan (dzhan AT your team members by Sep 12, 2011 Notify our TA Dongyuan (dzhan AT your team members by Sep 12, 2011 Project wiki: 5/Cse351:Fall_2011:Project Project wiki: 5/Cse351:Fall_2011:Project

15 Announcement On Wednesday, we will begin to study chapter1 in the textbook On Wednesday, we will begin to study chapter1 in the textbook Reading List of the Week Reading List of the Week Chapter 1, Chapters 2.1-2.4 Chapter 1, Chapters 2.1-2.4

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