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A.The War had left the world and the American people exhausted from uncertainty and unrest B.Debate over the League of Nations divided the US C.During.

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Presentation on theme: "A.The War had left the world and the American people exhausted from uncertainty and unrest B.Debate over the League of Nations divided the US C.During."— Presentation transcript:


2 A.The War had left the world and the American people exhausted from uncertainty and unrest B.Debate over the League of Nations divided the US C.During the war, worker rights were suppressed, but when tension between labor and management escalated after the war, striking workers were not supported by the public

3 D.Returning soldiers were faced with unemployment, or they took their old jobs back from women and minorities who filled in for them while they were overseas. E.US economy was shifting away from the military complex back to commercial exploits.

4 A.In times of uncertainty, people tend to fear or blame others for their hardships and cling to people who are like themselves. B.After the war, Americans became fearful of outsiders, which caused a wave of Nativism 1.Prejudice against foreign born people 2.The public advocated for a return to a foreign policy based on isolationism

5 A.In 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published the Communist Manifesto 1.Class struggle between the capitalists and the workers 2.Believed laborers should seize political power and production to overthrown capitalism in all industrialized nations 3.In a pure communist state, there is no gov’t, class, or money and everyone mutually owns everything

6 B.Bolshevik Revolution 1.In February 1917, The Russian Revolution ousted the tsar and created a provisional representative gov’t 2.Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky would orchestrate the October Revolution that would overthrow the provisional gov’t and institute the Russian Socialists Federative Soviet Republic (later the USSR) a.Lenin would be elected as the head of the gov’t b.Civil War and Lenin’s Red Terror resulted in millions of deaths

7 3.Under Lenin, Russia would begin their transition to an economic and political system based on one political party ruled by a dictator a.Russian communism would end private property and the gov’t would own everything b.This is what most people consider communism

8 C.Since the Communist Manifesto is based on a worldwide revolution, many in the US believed that communists would infiltrate and undermine our gov’t and businesses. D.This Panic became known as the “Red Scare” as red was the symbolic color of the Communists (also known as “Reds”) 1.US Communist Party was established with 70,000 joining which caused unrest 2.Unions were feared especially after members of the IWW joined the communists

9 E.Bombs/threats were mailed to political and business leaders so the gov’t was forced into action F.US Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer along with his special assistant, J. Edgar Hoover, would use extreme measures to stop this “Red Scare.” 1.Trampled civil rights, invaded private homes/offices, and jailed suspects without legal counsel. 2.“Palmer’s Raids” failed to unveil any communist conspiracy or bombs but this would fuel nativism in the US

10 A.Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti 1.Italian Immigrants 2.Anarchists who evaded the draft 3.Charged with robbery and murder of factory paymaster and his guard 4.Witnesses said the men “appeared Italian.” 5.Men supplied alibis, evidence was circumstantial and judge made prejudicial remarks. 6.Protests erupted in the US and in Europe when they were found guilty and sentenced to die. 7.Both men died in the electric chair August 1927 8.1961 Ballistics tests showed the gun found on Sacco killed the guard but no proof he fired it.

11 1.The War and the Red Scare would reignite the nativism in the US 2.Nativists blamed immigrants for all of their problems including lower wages 3.Nativists believed that post war labor disputes were incited by immigrants (anarchists, socialists, communists) a.Boston Police Strike (Calvin Coolidge) b.Steel Mill Strike of 1919 c.Coal Miner’s Strike and John L. Lewis 4.1920s were not a great time for union membership (dropped from 5 to 3.5 million) as immigrants were willing to work in poor conditions, spoke many languages, and would work to survive.

12 5.Nativists also believed that since there were fewer unskilled jobs then fewer immigrants should be let in the country.

13 1.Between 1919-1921 the number of immigrants had grown 600% (141k to 805k) 2.Nativists’ fear influence Congress to pass the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 3.System established the maximum number of people who could enter the US from each foreign country 4.Amended in 1924, the law would limit immigration from each European nation to 2% of the number of nationals living in the US in 1890. (discriminated against Catholics, Jews, Southern/Eastern Europeans) 5.Prohibited Japanese immigration which caused much ill will between the two countries (Gentlemen’s Agreement)

14 1.Hate groups would flourish and reemerge thanks to the “Red Scare”, the growing anti-immigrant feelings of the public 2.New Leadership inspired by the film “Birth of a Nation.” 3.New Slogan for the KKK “100% Americanism.” 4.Believed in keeping African Americans “in their place”, destroying saloons, opposing unions, and driving Catholics, Jews, and foreign born people out of the country.


16 5.KKK members were paid to recruit new members into their secret world of rituals and racial violence a.Cross Burning b.Lynching 6.Early in the 1920s, the Klan would dominate state politics in the South and Midwest 7.Around 1925, KKK Membership was estimated between 3-8 million (300k in Ohio)

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