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DOP-1 Objective: To assist new distributors get started with their DXN business.

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Presentation on theme: "DOP-1 Objective: To assist new distributors get started with their DXN business."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOP-1 Objective: To assist new distributors get started with their DXN business

2 DOP-2 Why DXN? Strengths of the DXN Marketing Plan 1.One time - lifetime membership * 2.No demotion of status, Pressure Free –multilateral international bonus with qualifying PV in any one DXN country 3.Goodwill of distributorship transferable through inheritance or sale

3 DOP-3 KEY TO DXN SUCCESS Enjoy DXN products, gain confidence about their strength & efficacy Share your experience & encourage others to use DXN products Sponsor your prospects into DXN business, motivate & guide them to succeed USE SHARE BUILD Consume, Sell, Service & Sponsor

4 DOP-4 Why the URGENCY? … Time flies … People change …Opportunities lost “ Grab the opportunity to taste success early in your life”

5 DOP-5 A. USE … Products “ Must start with you” “ BE A PRODUCT OF THE PRODUCTS” Experiencing the product is better than reading about it 1. Learn their effective use 2. Experience the benefits

6 DOP-6 B. SHARE… Products /Business Promote & Encourage others to use DXN products 1. Project confidence & sincerity 2. Transfer enthusiasm & excitement to market the product

7 DOP-7 C. BUILD… The business “Talk, talk & talk to more people” 1. Register others into DXN 2. Guide & teach them to do the business

8 DOP-8 Three Considerations/Traits To Get Started b. K …nowledge – Data base “Mind” a. A …ttitude - Disposition “Heart” c. S …kills – Ability “Hands” KA S KnowledgeAttitude Skills None is inborn... Learn them through Training

9 DOP-9 A. ATTITUDE 1. Self – Start within you a.Openness – Willingness to learn b.Discipline – Goodbye to comfort zones c.Focus –Goal oriented d.Industriousness – Hardworking & consistent e.Confidence – Believe in yourself

10 DOP-10 A. Attitude 2. Towards others a. Positive – Look at the bright side of things/ situations b. Compassionate – People’s business… have a Heart c. Persevering – Never give up

11 DOP-11 B. Knowledge 1.Available in books, CD’s, VCD’s, Internet & upline leaders 2.Training Modules a.BOM b.Product Training c.Distributors Training d.Leadership Training e.Workshop

12 DOP-12 C. Skills Some Basics... HOW To…..??? ….. Promote/Share DXN products & business ….. Sponsor – Induct prospects ….. Build Your Team - Initiate your partners into DXN business - Stabilize your group - Handle objections


14 DOP-14 PROSPECTING STEP 1 Make a list of all the people you know. STEP 1 : Make a list of all the people you know. Come up with AS MANY as you can think of

15 DOP-15 QUALIFY & RATE your PROSPECTS your PROSPECTS STEP 2 Select your HOT prospects STEP 2 : Select your HOT prospects Qualify them as to: LEVEL OF NEED LEVEL OF TRUST LEVEL OF INFLUENCE LEVEL OF ABILITY

16 DOP-16 CATEGORISE YOUR PROSPECTS INTO TARGET GROUPS GROUP THEM AS: Health Wealth – Part time income/ Career option Both Health & Wealth Higher level of need/ Satisfaction: Name, Fame, Ego, Esteem & Recognition

17 DOP-17 SCHEDULING a MEETING STEP 3: Invite them to a Meeting. INVITATION : - Phone - Over a cup of coffee Get them excited - Products - Business

18 DOP-18 TABLE CLOSING STEP 4 Making them sign-up as partners STEP 4 : Making them sign-up as partners Meet with your prospect ONE on ONE after the meeting Clarify their doubts / objections if any Present the DXN application form for their signature Welcome them to the DXN family

19 DOP-19 Skills – Build Your Team a. Objective in joining b. Identify his/her dreams & desires c. Set Goals - Short term & Long term d. Draft Action Plan Initiate your Partners into DXN business

20 DOP-20 Skills Stabilize your group “ Support your partners “ 1.) Coach them 2.) Caddy them 3.) Challenge them

21 DOP-21 COACHING YOUR PARTNERS. How to start their own DXN business. Basic information about – THE COMPANY THE PRODUCTS THE MARKETING PLAN

22 DOP-22 CADDYING YOUR PARTNERS Help them learn the skills of prospecting - selecting, inviting & closing Help them prepare their HOT LIST Assist them in setting up an appointment Accompany them to the BOM Show them how to do table closing “ Follow Up & Follow Through”

23 DOP-23 CHALLENGE YOUR BUSINESS PARTNERS Attainment Levels: Action Plan Goals Dreams Stress the importance of building a network organization that maintains a monthly purchase Network building takes time but yields lasting results

24 DOP-24 Skills Learn to stabilize your group “Structure well your network” - Understand the Marketing Plan - Cluster your business partners based on their potential & work accordingly - Work with your partners as you grow in DXN - Manage your time productively

25 DOP-25 Skills Learn to Handle Objections “Turn Objections into opportunities” - Use “feel-felt-found” technique - Rebound the questions - Give plain, simple answers - Avoid creating situations leading to questions

26 DOP-26 Financial Freedom EFFORT INCOME EFFORTINCOME Learning 1 – 3mos Development 3 –12 mos Momentum 1 – 2 years Stability 2 yr & up Stages of Financial Freedom 100 0

27 DOP-27 FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS… FOCUS on building your network organization.MAINTAIN.MULTIPLY. “ No get - rich - quick scheme”

28 DOP-28 DISTRIBUTORS, BEWARE! Beware of … FRONTLOADING FRONTLOADING: Don’t buy, build! UNDERPRICING UNDERPRICING: Don’t Undercut the Price DREAMSTEALING DREAMSTEALING: Don’t put down, pull up! SOUR-GRAPING SOUR-GRAPING: Don’t blame, be responsible!

29 DOP-29 LEARNING TO SUCCEED S S – Sign Up Prospects U U – Use The Products C C – Call Your Friends C C – Change Your Attitude E E – Equip Yourself E E – Encourage Your Partners D D – Duplicate Yourself In Your Partners

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