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Measuring diversity in Ontario’s university sector: 1994 – 2010 Pierre G. Piché May 16, 2013 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring diversity in Ontario’s university sector: 1994 – 2010 Pierre G. Piché May 16, 2013 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring diversity in Ontario’s university sector: 1994 – 2010 Pierre G. Piché May 16, 2013 1

2 Overview 2

3 Variables: 1994 and 2010 Graduate enrolments (full and part-time) Undergraduate enrolments (full and part-time) Full-time faculty Tuition revenue Operating grants revenue Non-credit operating revenue Sponsored research revenue Hierarchical Cluster Analysis 3

4 1994 4

5 Hierarchical Cluster Analysis 2010 5

6 Diversity Matrix Methodology* 6

7 Operationalizing variables for Systemic Diversity Size: Small – less than 5,000 students Medium – between 5,000 to 10,000 students Large – more than 10,000 students Type: Primarily undergraduate* Comprehensive* medical/doctoral* Special purpose *Maclean’s Diversity Matrix Methodology 7

8 12 possible Unique Institutional Types for Systemic Diversity Diversity Matrix Methodology 8

9 Systemic Diversity Distribution of unique institutional types for Ontario universities – 1994 9

10 Systemic Diversity Distribution of types for Ontario universities – 1994 and 2010 10

11 Diversity Matrix Methodology 11

12 Systemic Diversity Four indices: 1994: (5/22)² + (5/22)² + (5/22)² + (4/22)² + (2/22)² + (1/22)² = 0.1983 2010: (5/23)² + (5/23)² + (5/23)² + (5/23)² + (3/23)² = 0.2060 12

13 Operationalizing variables for Climate Diversity Enrolment Profile: Low – less than 10% of FT grad students / total FT enrolment Medium – between 10% and 20% High – over 20% Undergraduate Profile: Low – less than 60% of FT undergrad students / total undergrad enrolment Medium - between 60% and less than 80% High – 80% or over Diversity Matrix Methodology 13

14 Operationalizing variables for Climate Diversity (continued) Student-Faculty contact: High – less than 20 – Total enrolment / # of FT faculty Medium – between 20 and 30 Low – over 30 Diversity Matrix Methodology 14

15 Climate Diversity Distribution of types for Ontario universities – 1994 and 2010 15

16 Climate Diversity Four indices: 1994: (4/22)² + (4/22)² + (3/22)² + (3/22)² + (2/22)² + (2/22)² + (1/22)² + (1/22)² + (1/22)² + (1/22)² =0.1281 2010: (6/23)² + (4/23)² + (3/23)² + (3/23)² + (2/23)² + (1/23)² + (1/23)² + (1/23)² + (1/23)² + (1/23)² = 0.1493 16

17 Conclusion 17

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