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Proton Plan PMG 5/25/06 David Harding Booster Correctors Status and CR David Harding.

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Presentation on theme: "Proton Plan PMG 5/25/06 David Harding Booster Correctors Status and CR David Harding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proton Plan PMG 5/25/06 David Harding Booster Correctors Status and CR David Harding

2 Proton Plan PMG 5/25/06 David Harding Goals of Task Allow correction of the Booster orbit from injection to extraction  More strength in dipoles  Better slew rate in dipoles Allow stabilization of the Booster tune from injection to extraction  More strength in quadrupoles  Better slew rate in quadrupoles Allow moving the working point (AD review)  Even more strength in quadrupoles! Resonance control  More sextupoles Control chromaticity through transition  Better slew rate in sextupoles

3 Proton Plan PMG 5/25/06 David Harding New Booster Corrector System 1.02.03 Corrector System  Corrector Design and Prototype  Power Supply Design and Prototype  Long Straight Magnet Production (AIP)  Long Straight Power Supply Fabrication (AIP)  Long Straight Installation (AIP)  Long Straight AIP Management (AIP)  Short Straight Magnet Production (AIP)  Short Straight Power Supply Fabrication (AIP)  Short Straight Installation (AIP)  Short Straight AIP Management (AIP)  Commissioning Plus spares

4 Proton Plan PMG 5/25/06 David Harding Magnet Design

5 Proton Plan PMG 5/25/06 David Harding Prototype Magnet Being Assembled

6 Proton Plan PMG 5/25/06 David Harding Prototype Estimate BASELINEBASELINE TaskM&SMonthly days Weekly days SWFTotal Early R&D$15 K87.643.8$ 40 K$ 55 K Design65.133.7$ 27 K Procure$34 K5.636.3$ 3 K$ 37 K Fabricate65.8103.0$ 25 K Total$49 K224.1216.8$ 96 K$ 145 K N E W E S T. TaskM&SMonthly days Weekly days SWFTotal Design387288$ 339 K Procure$ 111 K966$ 29 K$ 140 K Fabricate16363$ 139 K Measure$ 70 K Total$181 K412717$ 507 K$ 688 K

7 Proton Plan PMG 5/25/06 David Harding Discussion of Prototype Estimate Why so far off?  Gross underestimate of design effort (Including one major change of scope)  Gross underestimate of tooling cost  Ignored new measurement equipment needs  Unrealistic TD labor rates ($45/hr, $22/hr) Why believe this estimate?  Visible progress  Actual SWF rates ($76/hr, $45/hr)  SWF 58% costed  M&S 63% costed

8 Proton Plan PMG 5/25/06 David Harding Production Estimate (24 magnets) BASELINEBASELINE TaskM&SMonthly days Weekly days SWFTotal Design2024$11 K Procure$ 429 K18$ 2 K$ 431 K Fabricate267425$ 169 K Total$ 429 K288457$ 182 K$ 611 K N E W E S T. TaskM&SMonthly days Weekly days SWFTotal Design13034$ 101 K Procure$ 630 K47$ 16 K$ 646 K Fabricate53530$ 217 K Total$ 630 K183611$ 335 K$ 965 K

9 Proton Plan PMG 5/25/06 David Harding Discussion of Production Estimate Changes in M&S estimate  Estimate vendor hours (+25%) and rate (+10%)  Increase count (coils +8%, cores +5%)  Actual price of steel (x3) and laminations (x2)  Conductor weight (+66%), price (+35%) Changes in SWF estimate  Better understanding of process  Review of actual TD rates

10 Proton Plan PMG 5/25/06 David Harding Current schedule Prototype to MTF 6/12/06  More assembly details later Decisive tests complete 7/24/06  Characterization tests will continue Start AIP 8/4/06 Award major contracts 10/9/06  RFP’s as soon as AIP approved, RFI’s earlier Start assembly 1/29/07  Depends on vendor deliveries of components 24 magnets complete & tested 6/8/07 All magnets complete & tested 12/14/07 No schedule contingency here

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