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Geospatial Enterprise Architecture Meeting Summary / Program Plan May 11, 2005 EPA.

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1 Geospatial Enterprise Architecture Meeting Summary / Program Plan May 11, 2005 EPA

2 2 GEA WG Geospatial – Defined (1a) GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION.—The term ‘geospatial information’ means graphical or digital data depicting natural or manmade physical features, phenomena, or boundaries of the earth and any information related thereto, including surveys, maps, charts, remote sensing data, and images. Source: S. 2845 “Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004”

3 3 GEA WG Geospatial – Defined (1b) GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGY.—The term ‘geospatial technology’ means any technology utilized by analysts, specialists, surveyors, photogrammetrists, hydrographers, geodesists, cartographers, architects, or engineers for the collection, storage, retrieval, or dissemination of geospatial information, including— ‘‘(i) global satellite surveillance systems; ‘‘(ii) global position systems; ‘‘(iii) geographic information systems; ‘‘(iv) mapping equipment; ‘‘(v) geocoding technology; and ‘‘(vi) remote sensing devices. Source: S. 2845 “Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004”

4 4 GEA WG Geospatial – Defined (2) Geospatial Data: Information that identifies the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on the Earth. This information may be derived from, among other things, remote sensing, mapping, and surveying technologies. Statistical data may be included in this definition at the discretion of the collecting agency. Geospatial Services: A collection of operations, accessible through an interface that allows a user to evoke a behavior of value to the user. Source: OMB Circular A-16 (Revised August 2002)

5 5 GEA WG Geospatial – Defined (3) pertaining to the geographic location and characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on, above, or below the earth's surface; esp. referring to data that is geographic and spatial in nature Source: Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.6)

6 6 GEA WG Geospatial Profile - Defined Our task! Some help from other FEA profile efforts (Security)

7 7 GEA WG Other Related Terms Spatial See Location-based Services Location-based services (LBS) are services that exploit knowledge about where an information device user is located. Source: Enterprise

8 8 GEA WG Project Plan - Summary Phase I: Establish common understanding of objectives and terminology, acquire existing EA materials, develop key scenarios for geospatial, establish EA Geospatial Profile for NSDI that ties to agency-supplied FEA Lines of Business and equivalent Reference Model concepts Evaluation of existing EA artifacts with respect to formal Service, Data and Technology Reference models, consistent with FEA Documentation of proven practices for incorporating geospatial aspects of existing EA for both geospatial and EA practitioners Phase 2: Review / mature and contribute to Geospatial Profile of FEA Development of a Geospatial Profile document for FEA Phase 3: Validate reference models and best practices via experimentation and prototyping Focus on inter-organizational interoperability for geospatial capabilities relevant to select agency lines of business Based on organizational use cases identified and agreed upon by GeoCOP participants

9 9 GEA WG Program Schedule (Near Term) Phase I (Discovery – Common Terms, Use Cases, Artifacts / Experiences, Agreement on Geospatial Profile Constructs) June 1 (Face to Face) June 22 (Teleconference) June 29 (Face to Face) July 6 (Teleconference) July 20 (Face to Face) Continue on biweekly basis for program duration Deliverables: GeoCOP Charter (May) Updated Project Plan (May) Identification of 2-3 Use Cases (June) Draft Outline for Geospatial Profile (July)

10 10 GEA WG Program Schedule – Near Term Phase II (June – August) Develop Geospatial Profile based on review and understanding of EA Service, Data and Technology Reference Models, and based on agreed upon use cases and other associated input from GeoCOP participants Develop Geospatial Profile for coordination. Facilitate broad consensus perspectives from industry, government (state, local) on evolving Geospatial Profile Deliverables Draft Geospatial Profile for community coordination

11 11 GEA WG Program Schedule Phase III (July – November) Validation of Geospatial Profile via active prototyping and demonstration (e.g. OGC Technology Integration Experiments). Engage a consensus process to further evolve reference models via broad NSDI Stakeholder / Community involvement, identify service- level agreement candidates. Support transition of Geospatial Profile to the FGDC. Deliverables: Planning, development, execution and documentation of Technology Integration Experiments. Facilitated consensus process to further refine Geospatial Profile

12 12 GEA WG Summary Next Steps Continue to identify and post artifacts and supportive information on your EA experiences Identify candidate use cases Provide feedback on the meeting schedule through July Review Draft Charter and updated Program plan (to be made available before our next meeting).

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