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What are some games and sports from China?  China’s games are hopscotch, chess jump rope,Ping-Pong marbles, and cats cradle.  China’s sports are volleyball,4square.

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Presentation on theme: "What are some games and sports from China?  China’s games are hopscotch, chess jump rope,Ping-Pong marbles, and cats cradle.  China’s sports are volleyball,4square."— Presentation transcript:


2 What are some games and sports from China?  China’s games are hopscotch, chess jump rope,Ping-Pong marbles, and cats cradle.  China’s sports are volleyball,4square basketball, soccer badminton, and football.

3 Does china have celebrations like we do?  Red dragon dancers dance on new year.  They dance in bright red.  The red brings good luck to the new year.

4 Does china have celebrations like we do? (continued)  New year is China’s most celebrated celebration.  New year latest 24 days.  On new year they all turn there lights on and they light fire works.

5 What type of clothing does china have?  China’s clothing captors blue red and green.  Blue and green means spring.  Red means happiness and good luck to all of china.

6 What is traditional art fro China ?  Chinas art captors symbols of nature on fabric.  China likes to make paper mashie dragons.  There scepters and pottery are mostly blue and white.

7 What are traditional foods from China?  Chinas people eat lots of meat they eat octopus legs, cat, dog, cow, chicken, lamed, fish,, pig crickets, clam, burgers,shrimp and more.  In almost every meal one of the food is in the appetizer it is rice black beans pasta stew susi  The china people eat healthy to like peach apple orange spiked melon coconut sunflower seeds and some more

8 What are traditional language from China?  China has a wealth of language there are ten to fifteen languages  Every all learns a language called mandarian (man dar ian)

9 What are traditional songs and instruments of China?  Our first interment is the Erthra it has 2 strings and it is played with a bow a lute is the next interment it has 4 strings and plucked the guzheng is our biggest interment it has 18 to 21 strings it much like a hap except played with a bow china most played interment is called the flute you’ve probly herd about it  Guzheng  Erthra

10 Sources  Title how china lives Author Ferroa chan yong pages 2 8 9-15 23-29 42-51 Year published 2013 Title Chinas culture Author Eileen Giffre Cotton pages 1-6 15-17 19- 21

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