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QUIZ WILL FOLLOW…PAY ATTENTION!. Middle East? Near East? OR Southwest Asia? ….?

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Presentation on theme: "QUIZ WILL FOLLOW…PAY ATTENTION!. Middle East? Near East? OR Southwest Asia? ….?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Middle East? Near East? OR Southwest Asia? ….?

3 Suez Canal Completed by the British in 1869

4 The Tigris & Euphrates River System Mesopotamia: ”Land Between the Two Rivers” Marsh Arabs, So. Iraq

5 Dust Storms Along the Tigris-Euphrates Flood Plains

6 The Jordan River System: Israel & Jordan A Fight Over Water Rights?

7 Dead Sea: Lowest Point on Earth Highest Salt Content (33%) 2,300’ below sea level

8 Wadis – Instant Springs A wadi is a temporary watering hole, such as a dry river bed or a gully, when it gets filled up during the rainy season.

9 Mountain Ranges in Mid-East Elburz Mts., Iran Zagros Mts., Iran Lebanese Mts. Taurus Mts., Turkey

10 Desert Bedouins

11 Breeding Areas of Desert Locusts

12 Swarms of Desert Locusts! Locusts Swarm the Pyramids Complex at Giza! Israel Hit By Worst Locust Plague Since the 1950s!

13 Rub al-Khali: “The Empty Quarter”

14 Desert Oases: Water at a Premium!

15 Fresh Groundwater Sources

16 Desalinization Plants

17 The Fertile Crescent

18 The Middle East vs. the U. S. Latitude Lines

19 Middle East: Climate Regions

20 Middle East: Population Density

21 Cairo, Egypt: Most Populated City in the Middle East 17,000,000+ People!

22 The Middle East: Natural Vegetation

23 The Natural Resources of the Middle East

24 World Oil Reserves

25 Persian Gulf Oil Exports (2003)

26 Saudi Oil Fields & Refineries

27 Kuwait: An Island Floating on a Sea of Oil Kuwait City

28 Leading U. S. Oil Suppliers The U. S. imports 30% of its oil needs from the Middle East.

29 Answer the following questions: 1.What is another name for the Middle East? 2.What is the name of the man made structure built by the British in 1869 that connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea? 3.What two rivers does Mesopotamia lie between 4.What sea has a 33% salt content? 5.What is a dry river bed that becomes a source of water during dry seasons? 6.What is the name of the desert that means “The Empty Quarter”? 7.What is a source of water in the desert? 8.What kind of processing plant removes salt from salt water? 9.What is a major source of revenue for many Middle Eastern countries? 10.What type of insect does the Middle East have problems with at times?

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