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Sarah A. Williams Emergency Management Specialist MUFRTI Audrain County Emergency Management Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "Sarah A. Williams Emergency Management Specialist MUFRTI Audrain County Emergency Management Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sarah A. Williams Emergency Management Specialist MUFRTI Audrain County Emergency Management Agency

2 What is the reality of a disaster declaration in Missouri?

3 7pm CST, July 24, 2008

4 Audrain County Pilot Project Audrain Road 368 June, 2008 Audrain Road 368 July 25, 2008

5 Changes in Federal Guidelines Functional Needs Support Services (FNSS) replaces Special Needs (SN) September 2010, National "Getting Real" Conference. The three day forum, hosted by FEMA in Baltimore. Guidance for integration of FNSS in General Population Shelters: Office of Disability Integration and Coordination (ODIC) Integrating and coordinating emergency preparedness, response and recovery for disabilities and others with access and functional needs Before – During – After a disaster. (PDF 512KB, TXT 8KB)PDFTXT

6 Audrain County Pilot Project April 2009 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) awarded Audrain County Emergency Management Agency a grant to pilot a FNSST for a rural population

7 Audrain County Pilot Project Objectives: 1.Provide County level Functional Needs Support Services planning tool (FNSST). 2.Eliminate need for additional paid EM staffing for data input and management through innovative use of existing agency data in the County. 3.Minimize/eliminate issues regarding privacy and MO Sunshine Law by providing means to sanitize the data for planning purposes (Limited Data Set). 4.Integrate software to provide a total special needs management solution.

8 Audrain County Pilot Project Our results: Affordable, sustainable and replicable County to County, Statewide or Nationwide Comprehensive, secure data base of current information protects privacy of individuals and agencies under the existing Missouri Sunshine Law. RSMo CHAPTER 610 Sections 610.010 to 610.200

9 Client Registry Pre-filled shelter paperwork Building / Shelter Registry Client location mapping Building/Shelter mapping Detailed reports on type of client & status in emergency plan Color-coded icons change color as the status of the registrant is revised Overlay registrant locations and shelter locations on the same map! InDEP © information flow provides superior management power

10 Data Sources Focus : Import from local Agency’s existing Data base Audrain Co EM Home Health and Hospice Agency Volunteer Web

11 How it works: Pre-Disaster Planning: Sanitized data is exported automatically from Agency’s serving access and functional needs population for planning purposes using their normal census data. Audrain Co EM Home Health and Hospice Agency Audrain Handicap Services Central MO Community Action Sanitized Data Exports Response Plan - Resources - Communications - Supplies/Equipment - Transportation - Agencies - Etc.

12 Planning with Sanitized Data Example: 121 total clients in data set. Mapped by zip code.

13 Planning with Sanitized Data


15 Audrain Pilot project Benefits include: Preload data from database. Enhance command and control. Reduce disaster response times. Improve visibility of first responders/resources. Efficient use of resources. Accelerate decision making. Reduce medical emergencies. Integrated update of client status in database

16 We met our objectives! Staff Required –Data input and maintenance is minimized leaving workers/volunteers to assist in planning. Cost –Staff cost has been minimized by automating data input. Privacy/Sunshine Law –Agencies only release full data during emergency or with personal release signed by clients. –Individuals agree to release data through disclaimer. Software Integration –Integration jump starts relief/rescue effort and provides real time status. –Provides EOC with additional EM capabilities at minimal cost.

17 Issue Does registration in the FNSST guarantee emergency response to the individual? Submitting an application to participate in the FNSST does not guarantee that an individual will be included in the Registry. Even if an individual is included as a participant in the FNSST, there is no guarantee that the individual will receive immediate or preferential treatment in an emergency or disaster situation. Individually identifiable participant information in the FNSST is confidential and will not be shared with the general public. This information will be released to public health authorities, human services agencies, and other emergency response agencies on a need-to-know basis to provide the necessary services in the event of an emergency or disaster. Aggregated non-identifiable participant information will be used and disclosed to plan for the provision of emergency and disaster services.

18 Questions?

19 Thank you! Sarah A. Williams Emergency Management Specialist MUFRTI Audrain County Emergency Management Agency

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