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How does lava generate By:jack lippens. How does Lava get Hot! Well lava is cold only in the stone and gravel but when the gravel and stone burns away.

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Presentation on theme: "How does lava generate By:jack lippens. How does Lava get Hot! Well lava is cold only in the stone and gravel but when the gravel and stone burns away."— Presentation transcript:

1 How does lava generate By:jack lippens

2 How does Lava get Hot! Well lava is cold only in the stone and gravel but when the gravel and stone burns away the lava enters the air it will start to deslove in the air it begins to break up and get hot then hoter then hoter and hoter then it will rise up to the surface and make that volcano explode and the lava will be everywhere that means the gravel will burn and trun into lava

3 how hot is lava! Ice melts at 0 degrees. Chocolate melts at 32. But rock? Now we're talking a lot more heat. Lava, the melted rock that shoots out of volcanoes, can flow at temperatures of thousands of degrees Fahrenheit. Lava that's on the cooler side comes out of volcanoes at only pizza oven-like temperatures of 570 F, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

4 what is lava? lava is a liquid that most people think it is a chemical but its not its a liquid that enters the earth somehow then forms a volcano. Out of gravel showers the gravel is the hot and burning lava that will transform into a massvie lava hole

5 what is lava made of! Lava is made up of crystals, volcanic glass, and bubbles (volcanic gases). As magma gets closer to the surface and cools, it begins to crystallize minerals like olivine and form bubbles of volcanic gases. When lava erupts it is made up of a slush of crystals, liquid, and bubbles. The liquid "freezes" to form volcanic glass.magma Chemically lava is made of the elements silicon, oxygen, aluminum, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and titanium (plus other elements in very small concentrations. Have a look at the background information in Minerals, Magma, and Volcanic Rocks.

6 Fun time:how to make lava what you need: * A clear drinking glass * 1/4 cup vegetable oil * 1 teaspoon salt * Water * Food coloring (optional)

7 Fun time:how to make lava what to do: fill the cup with ¼ of Vegetable oil then put 1 teaspoon of salt get a cup then put some water into it then pour it into the other cup then put food coloring(THIS IS OPTIONAL) if you don't have red food dye make your own or mix green and pink together.

8 if you like what you see watch this. this is how hot lava is look its an ipad/type this in the search bar and this video on nationalgeographic lava document ent/environment-natural- disasters/volcanoes/volcano-lava


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