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Unreal Tournament 2004 Tutorial (Examples) Hanshin University Spring 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Unreal Tournament 2004 Tutorial (Examples) Hanshin University Spring 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unreal Tournament 2004 Tutorial (Examples) Hanshin University Spring 2008

2 Tutorials ■ Tutorials  First Room First Room  Second Room Second Room  Giving Height Giving Height  Lighting Lighting  Adding Adding  Pickups Pickups  Zoning Zoning  Skyboxes Skyboxes  Warp Zones Warp Zones  DOM Maps DOM Maps  Security Security  Camera Camera  Movers: Lifts Movers: Lifts

3 First Room ■ Example 1: First Room  Building a cube  Subtracting objects  Applying textures  Aligning textures  Applying ambient lighting  Adding a player start

4 First Room ■ Part I - Building a cube Top ViewFront/Side View Perspective View Cube Builder Hint: Grid size  16 Vertex snap  On

5 First Room ■ Part II - Subtracting objects

6 First Room ■ Part III - Apply textures Texture Browser

7 First Room ■ Part III - Apply textures

8 First Room ■ Part IV - Aligning textures  textures don't look like the ones I selected Hint: [SHIFT] and B  Select All Surfaces

9 First Room ■ Part V - Applying ambient lighting  View  Level Properties (F6)

10 First Room ■ Part VI - Adding a player start  right click in the middle of your floor  select 'Add Player Start Here'  Build->Play Level

11 First Room

12 Second Room ■ Example 2: Second Room  Joining rooms  Panning and scaling textures  Setting Level Information

13 Second Room ■ Part I - Joining Rooms  Click on the red square on the top view to select it (it will go bright red)  hold [CRTL] while dragging it upwards

14 Second Room ■ Part I - Joining Rooms Hint: [ALT] and right click to copy textures, [ALT] and left click to paste, this will speed it up

15 Second Room ■ Part I - Joining Rooms  Making Another Cube

16 Second Room ■ Part II - Panning and Scaling textures

17 Second Room ■ Part II - Panning and Scaling textures  right click on the floor and select Surface Properties  Click on the Pan/Rot/Scale tab and apply simple 0.5 scaling as shown below:

18 Second Room ■ Part II - Panning and Scaling textures

19 Second Room ■ Part II - Panning and Scaling textures  Walls  Pan/Rot/Scale and set U scale to 0.5 and V scale to 0.25 and hit apply  Ceiling  apply simple 1.0 scaling

20 Second Room ■ Part III - Setting level information  View->Level Properties-> LevelInfo 'DefaultGameType' 'xGame.xDeathMatch‘  LevelSummary set Author, Description and Title Now save the level and play it!

21 Giving Height ■ Example 3: Giving Height  Selecting and moving vertices  Theory: Other methods of giving height Ramps in rooms Linear stairs in a room

22 Giving Height ■ Part I - Selecting and moving vertices  add another 256x512x512 room as shown below

23 Giving Height ■ Part I - Selecting and moving vertices

24 Giving Height ■ Part I - Selecting and moving vertices  Ramps in rooms

25 Giving Height ■ Ramps in rooms  select vertex edit from the tools toolbar  select the red cube and while holding [CTRL] click on the two right most vertices as shown below: Top ViewFront View

26 Giving Height ■ Part I - Selecting and moving vertices

27 Giving Height ■ Part II - Theory: Other methods of giving height  in-room ramps creating a long thin cuboid editing the vertices then adding it back into level

28 Giving Height ■ Part II - Theory: Other methods of giving height  indoor stairs

29 Lighting ■ Example 4: Lighting  Ambient Lighting  Lights  Hue and Sat

30 Lighting ■ Part I - Ambient Lighting  Ambient Light applied equally over all objects in the level and doesn't create shadows

31 Lighting ■ Part I - Ambient Lighting  lighten it up a little View->Level Properties -> ZoneLight set AmbientBrightness to 200.

32 Lighting ■ Part I - Ambient Lighting  Change Ambient Light Color ZoneLight set AmbientSaturation to 66

33 Lighting ■ Part II - Lights  Right click in the middle of the ceiling  select Add Light Here, a light bulb icon will appear.  right click on the light bulb  Properties Lighting: set LightRadius to 128.

34 Lighting ■ Part II – Lights  Add Lights to the other two large rooms(radius:128) and ramp room (radius: 64)

35 Lighting ■ Part II – Lights  Change Light Color

36 Lighting ■ Part III - Hue and Saturation HSV (=HSB)  Hue, Saturation, Value (=Brightness)  HUE( 색상 ) : the actual color. measured in angular degrees around the cone Ex) red = 0 or 360 (so yellow = 60, green = 120, etc.).  SATURATION( 채도 ) : the purity of the color measured in percent from the center of the cone (0) to the surface (100). At 0% saturation, hue is meaningless.  BRIGHTNESS( 명도 ) measured in percent from black (0) to white (100). At 0% brightness, both hue and saturation are meaningless.

37 Adding Pickups ■ Adding Pickups  Adding individual weapons  Adding health (vial, basic and big keg)  Adding shields (basic and super)  Adding adrenaline

38 Adding Pickups ■ Part I - Adding individual weapons  make one 512x512x512 and texture it as you wish

39 Adding Pickups ■ Part I - Adding individual weapons  add a light or two and a player start

40 Adding Pickups ■ Part I - Adding individual weapons  open up the actor class browser

41 Adding Pickups ■ Part I - Adding individual weapons  Go into xPickUpBase  xWeaponBase  NewWeaponBase

42 Adding Pickups ■ Part I - Adding individual weapons  right click in the middle of your room  select add NewWeaponBase here

43 Adding Pickups ■ Part I - Adding individual weapons  Right click on the weapon base  go into properties  look in xWeaponBase  set WeaponType

44 Adding Pickups ■ Part II - Adding heath and shields  Add to you level the following actors xPickUpBase  HealthCharger  NewHealthCharger That's a basic health pickup (+25) xPickUpBase  ShieldCharger That's a basic shield pickup (+50) xPickUpBase  SuperHeathCharger  NewSuperHealthCharger That's a big health (+100) xPickUpBase  SuperShieldCharger That's a super shield pickup (+100)

45 Adding Pickups ■ Part II - Adding heath and shields  not all the pickups will appear when the level starts, but wait a minute and they will.

46 Adding Pickups ■ Part III - Adding health vials and adrenaline  Add to you level the following actors: Pickup  TournamentPickup  TournamentHealth  MiniHealthPack That's a health vial (+5) Pickup  TournamentPickup  AdrenalinePickup That's adrenaline

47 Zoning ■ Zoning  Theory: What is zoning?  Creating zones  Adding ZoneInfo actors  Creating kill-zones

48 Zoning ■ Part I - Theory: What is zoning?  Zoning is a way of spitting a level up into separate zones.  Each zone can have its own ZoneInfo actor allowing it to have its own Lighting Settings, Name and other attributes.

49 Zoning ■ Part II - Creating Zones  Start by creating two large rooms (256x512x512)  connecting them with a hallway (256x256x256)  Texture them as you wish.

50 Zoning ■ Part II - Creating Zones  Open up the sheet builder  set height and width to match your hallway  set Axis to AX_XAxis.

51 Zoning ■ Part II - Creating Zones  Position the sheet so that it completely 'fills' one 'end' of the hallway, as shown below:

52 Zoning ■ Part II - Creating Zones  Press the Add Special button on the brushes toolbar.  Tick Portal, Invisible and Two Sided.  Press OK then Close.

53 Zoning ■ Part II - Creating Zones  texture the sheet with 'ZonePortal' from wm_textures. It doesn't really matter what you texture it (invisible) But, you and others know what it is.  Add a sheet to the other end of the hallway

54 Zoning ■ Part II - Creating Zones  press Rebuild Geometry (or Rebuild All)  in the 3D view go into Zone/Portal view. The different colored areas represent the separate zones.

55 Zoning ■ Part III - Adding ZoneInfo actors  The ZoneInfo actor sets attributes about the zone. open up the actor class browser find Info->ZoneInfo. Add one into each of your zones. A small ? and Cube icon will appear in each zone. Now, right click on one of them and go into properties. Light settings can be found in the ZoneLight section and you can give the zone a name (So AI can report their location) in ZoneInfo->LocationName. Each zone can have it's own lighting settings

56 Zoning ■ Part III - Adding ZoneInfo actors

57 Zoning ■ Part IV - Creating kill-zones  A kill zone is a zone that kills players and bots.  To turn a zone into a kill zone, open up its properties and set ZoneInfo->KillZType to KILLZ_None for no death KILLZ_Lava for lava death messages KILLZ_Suicide for suicide death messages ZoneInfo->KillZ to 10000

58 Zoning ■ Part IV - Creating kill-zones

59 Skyboxes ■ Skyboxes  Creating a skybox  Displaying a sky  Aligning skyboxes

60 Skyboxes ■ Part I - Creating a skybox  make a room 256x512x512 and texture it as you wish textures from ArboreaArchitecture for the walls and floor "sky" from wm_textures for the ceiling. Also, add a player start and a light. Note: You don’t have to use the "sky" texture on the ceiling but it is common practice to texture all surfaces that will show sky with it.

61 Skyboxes ■ Part I - Creating a skybox

62 Skyboxes ■ Part I - Creating a skybox  create a 256x256x256 room that doesn't touch any other rooms in any way.  texture it with textures from the Skies file

63 Skyboxes ■ Part I - Creating a skybox  add the following actor into the room: 'Info->ZoneInfo- >SkyZoneInfo'.  Right click on the SkyZoneInfo icon and go into properies. In Advanced, set bDirectional to true in ZoneLighting, set AmbientBrightness to 150.

64 Skyboxes ■ Part II - Displaying a sky  To display the sky in the main room,  right click on the ceiling and go into properties.  Make sure the fake backdrop box is ticked.

65 Skyboxes ■ Part II - Displaying a sky  Hit the build all button and then play the level.

66 Skyboxes ■ Part III - Aligning skyboxes  the sky looks very 'boxy'. To make it look more real, play around with aligning, panning and rotating the textures inside the skybox, also play the zone actor itself, try moving and rotating it.

67 Warp Zones ■ Warp Zones  Adding Warp Zones  Configuring and aligning Warp Zones  Theory: Limitations of warp zones

68 Warp Zones ■ Part I - Adding Warp Zones  creating two long thin rooms (256x256x512)  texture them as you wish.

69 Warp Zones ■ Part I - Adding Warp Zones  add a player start, lights, a shock rifle on one side and a rocket launcher on the other.

70 Warp Zones ■ Part I - Adding Warp Zones  Before we can add a warp zone, we need a suitable texture, so open the texture browser and hit File->New. Set the package to myLevel, group to textures and name to WarpZone. In the MaterialClass select Engine.FinalBlend.

71 Mover ■ Mover  What are movers?  The Static Mesh Browser  Setting up a lift

72 Mover ■ Part I : What are movers?  A mover is an item that moves.  In UT2003/4 it can only be a static mesh, however in earlier versions other things can also move.  A mover can be triggered by many things and then follows a set path.  A mover can act as a lift, a door, a fan and many other things.

73 Mover ■ Part II : The Static Mesh Browser  Open up the ShiptechHardware file  then locate the STlift01CS mesh  Lift

74 Mover ■ Part III : Setting up a lift  we have to build a room to put one in.  Put in a player start and some lighting.

75 Mover  put in our lift. Make sure that STlift01CS is selected in the static mesh browser then hit the Add Mover button (the blue cube with arrows).  Using the actor rotate tool and the standard movement tool position it against the wall as shown below:

76 Mover  Place it slightly above the floor.  Right click on it and select 'Mover->Key 0 (base)'.  Now right click and select 'Mover->Key 1', after this move it upwards towards the second floor so that it is almost level.  Finally right click on the lift Properties->Object set InitialState to StandOpenTimed.

77 Mover

78 Sounds Tutorial ■ how to place and use  AmbientSounds  ZoneInfo Sounds  sounds associated with actors  triggerable sounds

79 Sounds Tutorial ■ AmbientSounds  To place an AmbientSound open up the Actors Browser Actor --> KeyPoint --> AmbientSound. Then just simply right click in your level “Add AmbientSound here”

80 Sounds Tutorial ■ ZoneInfo Sounds  through a ZoneInfo Actor that you place within your Zone. open up the ZoneInfo Properties assign a sound in the AmbientSound field under the Sound pullout does not affect the entire zone

81 Sounds Tutorial ■ Sounds in StaticMeshes and Movers  Sounds can also be concealed in StaticMeshes through the same way.  Movers have a little more flexibility though as they have their own special rollout called MoverSounds.


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