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Mr. Verlin South Philadelphia High School November 5, 2014.

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1 Mr. Verlin South Philadelphia High School November 5, 2014

2 Preliminaries  Turn to p. 265 in the purple (9 th grade) book.  Prepare a clean notebook page with the T5WS writing strategy layout.  Preview the article.  Write a 3-word description of the topic in the “Topic” space on your paper.

3 Objectives:  The students will be able to differentiate fact from opinion.  The students will be able to analyze the development of the main idea of “An American Story” and “Ex-Refugee”.  The students will be able to use specific nouns and verbs in order to write a constructed response.

4 Focus Lesson: “An American…”  In news reports, journalists present information—facts and statements by other people—in a straightforward style. In news features, journalists also present information, but they give their reports a personal slant by including their own views and by writing in an individual style. A news feature provides a unique perspective on a current or past event.

5 Focus Lesson: “An American…”  In “The Sniper”, think about why Anthony Lewis chose to write about Viet Dinh and his family, refugees from Vietnam. What is Lewis’s personal perspective in the article? What is his main idea?

6 Focus Lesson: Const. Resp.  Read the story aloud Begin reading the story on p. 265.  Lecture: Constructed Response  Small Groups:  Use the T5WS strategy to articulate a thesis on the reading.  Use the constructed response layout form to pre-plan a constructed response.  Thesis  Claims (2)  Quotes (2)  Conclusion

7 Homework: due 11/10  Turn your pre-write in to a draft (30 homework points).

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