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Context Clues within Nonfiction PED/POD short story due Thursday.

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Presentation on theme: "Context Clues within Nonfiction PED/POD short story due Thursday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Context Clues within Nonfiction PED/POD short story due Thursday.

2 revise Definition: to make changes in writing or publishing Sentence: The author needed to revise the ending of his novel. Picture Synonyms:

3 preference Definition: Sentence:Picture Synonyms:

4 clarify Definition: Sentence:Picture Synonyms:

5  words-on-the-vine-pedpod- flash-cards/ words-on-the-vine-pedpod- flash-cards/ Word spotlight: PEDOMETER Reminders- Short story, poem, or comic due Thursday.

6 ANSWER: 1. What is a conjunction? 2. Write 3 sentences using conjunctions. vpPBh8Pc

7  As you read, write down two words you do not know(on the post-it note) and the sentence they appear in the book. 1. Word, Sentence, or page #- 2. Word, Sentence, or page #- After reading, go back and guess the meaning of the word using context clues.

8 Brainstorm the kinds of experiences you have had that build your confidence. Also write the kinds of experiences that may lessen your confidence. (For example- winning a soccer game builds confidence, getting an F on a test lessens confidence) Write for 6 minutes(at least 3 in each category)

9 The Jacket p. 499 Personal Narrative As we read, we will record 1. Profile- 2. Propellers- 3. Shriveled- 4. Vicious- Now use all the words correctly in sentences. Context Clues Carousel 1. Number in your journal #1- 12. 2. Go around the room and record the bold-faced words and write your guess at the meanings. 3. When completed, check your word meaning with online or paper dictionary.

10  After viewing the context clues song: NR=1&v=WDVp6uzUtts 3- things you learned about context clues 2- things you want to know about vocabulary in general 1- question you still have

11 1. Using Alpha-Blocks, brainstorm all terms that have to do with the Civil Rights movement that match the letters. (Ex. M- Martin Luther King Jr.) 2. Silently read “Refusing to Bow…willingly” 3. As you read, write the phrases or sentences that are interesting, shocking, or you have connections about.

12  You are given a card with A,B,C,D on it.  When I say begin, the person with the A card reads their first statement from the article.  B,C,D will comment on the A person’s line in order, the A person having the “final word” on the line.  Continue taking turns reading and commenting until all students have discussed 2 lines.

13 WordContextGuess at Meaning 1.Timid 2. Gouged 3. Spectators 4. vigorous

14 1. Read article silently to yourself. 2. As you read, think about important details, connections, and unknown words. 3. Your group will be assigned one section of the foldable- Golden Lines, Words in Context, Important Facts, or Summary. You will work together to complete one square of the foldable. 4. When completed, we will pair and discuss with other groups to complete all 4 sections of the foldable. 5. Be prepared to present your section to the class.

15 Golden Lines: 1. 2. 3. Words in Context: 1. 2. 3. Important Facts: 1. 2. 3. GIST Summary: (20 words or less) Greensboro Sit-ins

16  n-early-start-in-midwinter-docx n-early-start-in-midwinter-docx  ontext_clues.html ontext_clues.html

17  After viewing this week’s news happenings, write your thoughts, connections, and opinions about the events.   Write 3-6 sentences in your journal. After we have discussed, you may vote for the “Next Big Thing” on

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