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Graphing Piecewise Functions. Warm Up Solve the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Graphing Piecewise Functions. Warm Up Solve the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphing Piecewise Functions

2 Warm Up Solve the following:

3 Objective The student will be able to graph piecewise functions.

4 Think, Pair, Share… How would I represent the following situation graphically? How would I represent the following situation graphically? A person makes $8.00 for the first 40 hours they work and then makes time and a half, $12.00 per hour,,for every hour over 40.

5 Piecewise Functions We can have functions that behave differently depending on their input values (x-values).

6 Continued…



9 With a Partner… Graph the following:

10 On Your Own… Graph the following:

11 Exit Ticket and Homework Exit Ticket: What does an open dot on a piecewise function graph mean? Homework: Worksheet

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