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Insert logo here The Importance of Energy Awareness Presentation to Management XXXXXX, Energy Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Insert logo here The Importance of Energy Awareness Presentation to Management XXXXXX, Energy Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Insert logo here The Importance of Energy Awareness Presentation to Management XXXXXX, Energy Manager

2 Why we need Energy Awareness Currently spending €X on Energy Could save up to 20% with effective energy awareness campaign Recent in-house survey show that X% of people are willing to participate in energy saving measures

3 Why we need Energy Awareness Positive PR for company Can link into Corporate Social Responsibility Improve relations with staff, customers and local residents Possibility of awards / recognition

4 Why we need Energy Awareness Essential part of IS393 Need to improve environmental performance Links in with other programmes e.g. ISO14001

5 Why we need Energy Awareness Our competitors are doing it It works – benefits can be seen

6 How will we do it? Resources available from SEI Support available from SEI & other organisations Cross-departmental approach – EA Team Yearly programme of events

7 What we need from you Commitment and support for an EA Campaign Lead by example Resources (both time & money) allocated specifically for EA Representative for Energy Awareness Team

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