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Chemical and Physical Properties How do we “describe” matter?

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical and Physical Properties How do we “describe” matter?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical and Physical Properties How do we “describe” matter?

2 What are the “properties” of the person pictured below? Name: Pete Campbell Sex: Male Race: Caucasian Nationality: American Age: 61 years Height: 5’ 5” Weight: 165 pounds Occupation: Retired Teacher

3 Properties of Matter “Stats” of different types of matter. Some properties are physical and some are chemical. Can be observed WITHOUT changing what the substance is Can only be observed by changing what the substance is

4 Physical Properties Color Color Taste Taste Odor Odor Texture Texture Melting & Boiling Point Melting & Boiling Point Conductivity Conductivity Malleability Malleability Hardness Hardness Viscosity Viscosity Specific heat Specific heat Density Density A characteristic of a material that can be observed without changing the composition of the substance. EXAMPLES:

5 CONDUCTIVITY Measure of a material’s ability to conduct electricity or heat


7 Ability of an object to become deformed by hammering or rolling without cracking

8 A solid’s resistance to shape change when force is applied

9 VISCOSITY Fluid’s resistance to flow

10 Specific The amount of heat energy needed to raise 1 gram of a substance 1 °C. The amount of heat energy needed to raise 1 gram of a substance 1 °C.

11 The ratio of mass to volume of a substance

12 Chemical Properties Flammability Flammability Reactivity Reactivity The ease at which a substance will ignite A tendency a substance to undergo a chemical reaction with another substance or with itself An ability to produce a change in the composition of the substance.



15 Images Cited ssential/physicalsci/session4/closer1.html ssential/physicalsci/session4/closer1.html ssential/physicalsci/session4/closer1.html ssential/physicalsci/session4/closer1.html nce/files/CF61DBA93ED44B4B8A5C75E1A 1AEB2CC.ppt nce/files/CF61DBA93ED44B4B8A5C75E1A 1AEB2CC.ppt nce/files/CF61DBA93ED44B4B8A5C75E1A 1AEB2CC.ppt nce/files/CF61DBA93ED44B4B8A5C75E1A 1AEB2CC.ppt

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