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Basic Stamp Controller Basic Stamp Controller Presented by: Joe Dubiel Wiley Dickins Barbara Hazen EET 230 Design and Fab.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Stamp Controller Basic Stamp Controller Presented by: Joe Dubiel Wiley Dickins Barbara Hazen EET 230 Design and Fab."— Presentation transcript:


2 Basic Stamp Controller Basic Stamp Controller Presented by: Joe Dubiel Wiley Dickins Barbara Hazen EET 230 Design and Fab

3 The idea…

4 Well…maybe we can do it…

5 Do you know this man? He is … Garrett Morgan Inventor of the traffic light

6 The first traffic light…

7 (Excerpt from November 20, 1923 Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office) U.S.1,475,024 Traffic Signal. Garrett A. Morgan, Cleveland, Ohio Filed February 27, 1922. Serial No. 539,403. 7 Claims (Classification: 116-63) Claim 6. In combination, a standard, a hollow member projecting upwardly therefrom, an indicator rigid with the upper end of said standard, semaphore arms pivoted to the indictor, mechanism controlled from the standard for actuating the arms to move them in a vertical plane and for revolving them with the indicator to a new position, means associated with the standard for indexing the indicator to the proper position, means associated with standard retaining the arms in a vertical position during a portion of the turning operation and for releasing the arms when moved to a new position, and a dash pot associated with said member for cushioning the shock incident to the fall of said arms.

8 Our modern day traffic light… originally located at the corner of Hayes Ave. & North St.,Endicott,NY

9 State Condition 1 N-S green;E-W red; 2 N-S yellow;E-W red; 3 N-S red;E-W green; 4 N-S red;E-W yellow; TABLE II. A state transition table


11 Early Design…

12 The Parts List… Xxxxxxxx xxxx xxx


14 Behold - The Breadboard

15 Breadboard to PC Board jumpers? 2-sided? 1-sided? constraints & limitations why a 2-sided board? –challenge –no jumpers vias –less is good –355/133 vs. 246/16 –110 vias = 220 solder joints!

16 Pictorial put these parts and these wires on a PCB! How about those DIPs?

17 schematic

18 The same circuit!

19 How simple arrange gates trace it out hope this helps!

20 How about these DIPs?

21 PC Board layout!

22 The final design…

23 It’s Rocket Science! Wiley scrubs the copper on the future circuit board…

24 The envelope please…

25 The Etched Board…

26 The Drill Plan

27 Joe drills the final board…is there oil down there?

28 Now, let’s see if this works…

29 Some assembly required…

30 Joe assembles the control box…

31 The off board connectors…

32 Final wiring layout…

33 Oh, yeah…it works…

34 The 58 th minute...all lights flashing



37 All hooked up…

38 “We are doing it my way, Joe…”

39 Hallelujah! It’s over… Thanks from… Joe, Barb, and Wiley!!!!

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