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Connect your learning Different population structures have significant impacts on the balance between population and resources. UK’s ageing population.

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Presentation on theme: "Connect your learning Different population structures have significant impacts on the balance between population and resources. UK’s ageing population."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connect your learning Different population structures have significant impacts on the balance between population and resources. UK’s ageing population Uganda’s youthful population Financial Healthcare Housing Education Healthcare Financial Sanitation Water

2 The impact of migration on national population structure. Learning objectives Impacts on resources To know the types of migration To understand the causes of Poland to UK migration. To consider the impacts of migration on the UK’s population structure. To describe the social, economic and political impacts of Polish migration on the UK.

3 Migration has always happened and the main reason why people move has remained the same throughout history; whether being forced or migrating voluntarily, people move to find a better quality of life.

4 In many countries it is common for migration to be forced upon residents, where people have to leave for their own safety.

5 In the UK the vast majority of migration is voluntary, where people take their own decisions about where and when to move.

6 Almost 216 million people, or 3.15% of the world’s population, live outside the country they were born in.

7 Migration is the permanent or semi-permanent movement of people from one place to another. It can be within the same country (internal) or across national borders (external). Migration 1.The Khan family flee the war in Afghanistan. They move to live in neighbouring Pakistan. 2.Mr and Mrs Jones move from Bristol city centre to live in semi-rural Long Ashton. 3.Each year in May, Australian Kristina Wilson moves to the Queensland region for seasonal vegetable harvesting. 4.When Slovakia joined the EU in 2004, Filip Elijas moved to the UK to get a better job. Migration or not?

8 Complete the key words list by matching the term to its definition. Activity: Migration key terms Internal migrationMoving to a new home within a state, country, or continent. External migrationMoving to a new home in a different state, country, or continent. EmigrantA person who is leaving a country to live in another. Immigrant A person who is entering a country from another to take up new residence. Net-migration The difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants in an area. When immigrants exceed emigrants, there is net-migrational gain. When emigrants exceed immigrants, there is net-migrational loss. Forced migrationA person has to migrate because of circumstances. Voluntary migrationA person makes the decision to migrate. Push factors These are the negative reasons that make people want to leave an area. Pull factorsThese are the positive reasons that attract people to an area. Refugee A person who is residing outside the country of their origin due to fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Asylum seekerA refugee who formally applies to reside in the country the arrive in. Distance-decay The number of migrants decline as the distance between origin and destination increases. People are more likely to settle in a closer place which they have more knowledge about than in a farther place which they little understanding of.

9 MEDC Migration movements People move under forced or voluntary circumstances between different origins and destinations. MEDC LEDC MEDC LEDC

10 Recent examples of migration Around 9 million Syrians have fled their homes since the outbreak of civil war in 2011, taking refuge in neighbouring countries, such as Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. LEDC Movement? Forced or voluntary? Forced

11 Recent examples of migration Over 1 million Mexican’s migrate to the USA every year. 37% of Mexican immigrants settle in California where they work as farm labourers. Movement?Forced or voluntary? Voluntary MEDC LEDC

12 Recent examples of migration When Hurricane Katrina hit the US Gulf Coast region in August 2005 it displaced 1.5 million residents. Evacuees spread across fifty US states and around 300,000 people did not return to their home State. Movement? Forced or voluntary? Forced Internal (MEDC)

13 Case study: Poland to UK migration MEDC

14 Polish migrants During the last 10 years the movement of migrants from Poland has been the ‘largest piecemeal migration movement in history’. In 2011 there were almost 600,000 Polish workers living in the UK, making them our the second largest ethnic minority group. Why?

15 Activity: Polish migrants to the UK Read the ‘Introduction’ and ‘Migration from Poland’ information from Geofile 550. Answer the questions below: 1.What happened in April 2004? 2.The Government initially anticipated an increase of 15,000 migrants from A8 countries moving into the UK. In reality, by 2006 approximately 447,000 migrants from A8 countries had applied to work in the UK. Why do you think this was? 3.The migration of Polish people into the UK is a significant movement. Outline some of the facts supporting this statement.

16 Lee’s migration model Geographers summarise the motivations for migration by considering how the relationship between origin and destination are affected by push factors and pull factors. The logic of the push- pull theory is that if the plusses (pulls) at the destination outweigh the plusses of staying at the origin, then migration is likely to occur. Activity: Annotate your diagram with push-pull factors and intervening obstacles.

17 Activity: Push-pull factors Read the ‘Reasons for the migration’ information from Geofile 550. Summarise the push and pull factors in a table. Extension: Create a code to categorise the factors into social, economic, and political reasons. Push FactorsPull Factors

18 Who migrates? My name is Jerzy Bronowski. I am 36 years old and I come from Krakow in Poland. I came to the UK eight years ago to work as a dentist in Liverpool. I share a house with four other Polish people. One of the men is a bricklayer and the other is an electrician. One of the women works in a hotel and the other in an architect’s office. I believe I made the right decision to come to the UK.

19 Polish migrant employment Polish people living in Britain are almost 20% more likely to have a job than those born in the UK, according to 2011 Census data. 81% of Polish migrants of a working age are employed. A third of Polish migrants who came to the UK before 2006 were employed in administration business and management, 22% in hospitality and catering, 10% in agriculture, 8% in manufacturing, 6% in the health service, 5% in food-processing, retail and construction industries. Around 95% of male eastern European migrants and 80% of females got work as soon as they arrived in the country. More Polish migrants are gaining qualifications and competing for more skilled and better paid jobs.

20 Activity: What are the impacts of migration on population structures? 1.Describe the UK’s population structure in 2003? 2.How old were most Eastern European migrants coming into the UK? 3.What impact would this have on the UK’s population structure? Think about the positive and negative impacts. Study the resources and complete the following tasks:

21 The impacts of Polish migration on the UK Watch this video which outlines some of the impacts that Polish migration has had on the

22 Activity: Impacts of Polish migration Read the ‘The impact of migration’ on Geofile 550 and the article ‘In pursuit of the Polish pound’. List the social, economic and political impacts (positive and negative) of polish migrants on the UK.

23 What is this suggesting?

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