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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 WATER RESOURCES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hydrologic Cycle Continuous movement of water All three phases of matter are represented Freshwater is not equally distributed

3 Hydrologic Cycle

4 Hydrologic Cycle Evaporation Precipitation Condensation Runoff Infiltration Groundwater Flow Transpiration

5 Global Water Supply

6 Surface Water Runoff/Overland Flow Tributaries Watershed or Drainage Basin Drainage Divide

7 Groundwater Vadose Zone Phreatic Zone Water Table Perched Water Table

8 Vadose and Phreatic Zones

9 Groundwater Aquifer Aquitard Confined Aquifer Unconfined Aquifer

10 Groundwater Figure 11.9

11 Free Flowing Artesian Wells

12 Artesian System for Municipal Water Supply

13 Drawdown and Cone of Depression

14 Long Island Sole Source Aquifer System Upper Glacial Aquifer Magothy Aquifer Lloyd Aquifer

15 Long Island 44 inches of precipitation annually Freshwater lens Ghyben-Herzberg Equation

16 Long Island Excess extraction ~50’ drop in water table in some areas Saltwater Intrustion

17 Groundwater Primary water source for ~50% of US US has lots of water Not equally distributed

18 Over-Pumping Groundwater
Texas California Nevada Oklahoma Arizona New Mexico Louisiana Mississippi Arkansas

19 Groundwater Use and Supply
Figure 11.13

20 Groundwater Movement Hydraulic Gradient Hydraulic Conductivity

21 Groundwater Movement Porosity Permeability

22 Darcy’s Law Q=K(dh/dl)A

23 Darcy’s Law Q=Kdh/dlA Q= Discharge of Water K=Hydraulic Conductivity
dh=Change in water table elevation dl=Distance along which change occurs A=Area of aquifer system

24 End of Chapter 11

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