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Lesson Two Food Pyramid.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Two Food Pyramid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Two Food Pyramid

2 Journal Writing I'm yellow and I'm sweet.
I'm what monkeys like to eat. I grow in trees. Serve me with peanut butter, please! What am I? _______________________________

3 Answer these questions
What am I? What food group does this food fall into? What are some other foods that are in this same group? Do you like to eat this food? If so, how do you eat it? What do you like to eat it with?

4 Paragraphs What do we start with? A topic! Let’s start with apples.
What do we know about apples?

5  eat them Apples…  different colors     grow on trees    great great in a pie some have worms

6 3. Now S T R E T C H the words on your list into at least five sentences. You can eat an apple. Apples come in different colors. Apples grow on trees. I eat apple pie for dessert. Sometimes an apple has a worm in it.

7 4. Think about order. . . Which sentence should come first? Second? Third? How about this order?   Apples come in different colors.  Apples grow on trees. You can eat an apple. I ate an apple pie. Sometimes an apple has a worm .in it.

8 5. Now, let’s put the sentences into a paragraph:
Apples come in different colors. Apples grow on trees. You can eat an apple. I ate an apple pie. Sometimes an apple has a worm in it. But what is missing?

9 6. Now we need a topic sentence and a concluding sentence.
TOPIC SENTENCE Apples come in different colors. Apples grow on trees. You can eat an apple. I ate an apple pie. Sometimes an apple has a worm in it. CONCLUDING SENTENCE A topic sentence introduces the ENTIRE PARAGRAPH to the reader. The topic sentence holds the details, like a box:

10 How about. . .  Let me tell you what I know about apples. Apples come in different colors. Apples grow on trees. You can eat an apple. I eat an apple pie for dessert. Sometimes an apple has a worm in it. How about a concluding sentence? Any ideas? A concluding sentence is like the bow tie on a present. It wraps everything up.

11 How about. . .  Let me tell you what I know about apples. Apples come in different colors. Apples grow on trees. You can eat an apple. I eat an apple pie for dessert. Sometimes an apple has a worm in it. These are just a few things you should know about apples. That’s it!

12 What does expository mean?
Inform Explain Describe Define Expository sentences are just like detail sentences.

13 Examples of expository sentences
A pineapple is a tropical fruit. Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins. An apple is round and juicy, and it comes in many different sizes and colors. Any other examples?

14 How to write an expository paragraph
1. Find a topic Pizza

15 2. Supporting details 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

16 3. Complete sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

17 4. Paragraph Combine our sentences.

18 5. Topic sentence

19 What is a topic sentence for our paragraph?

20 6. Concluding sentence

21 Add the concluding sentence to the paragraph. . .
And there you have it!

22 What is an adjective word?
Examples: The greasy pizza is delicious. Where is the noun? Where are the adjectives? What does the adjective do to the noun?

23 Read the paragraph: The Delicious Meal
Last night I ate a delicious meal. There was turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, and carrots. The turkey was juicy and salty and the mashed potatoes were soft and smooth. The green beans were dark green and long. I could not eat them right away because they were too hot! The carrots were my favorite part. They were sweet and crunchy. I love everything I ate during this meal.

24 Where are the adjectives?
Last night I ate a delicious meal. There was turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, and carrots. The turkey was juicy and salty and the mashed potatoes were soft and smooth. The green beans were dark green and long. I could not eat them right away because they were too hot! The carrots were my favorite part. They were sweet and crunchy. I love everything I ate during this meal.

25 Look at the words in red. Last night I ate a delicious meal. There was turkey, mashed potatoes, long green beans, and carrots. The turkey was juicy and salty and the mashed potatoes were soft and smooth. The green beans were slippery, and I could not eat them right away because they were too hot! The carrots were my favorite part. They were sweet and crunchy. I love everything I ate during this meal.

26 Adjectives Use the following adjectives to describe the fruit in your hand See Feel Taste Smell Origin colorful smooth shiny round oval square big/large small/tiny purple white brown orange crispy crunchy crumbly hot cold sticky oily soft rough wet dry greasy bitter sweet sour salty fried delicious disgusting yummy stale juicy spicy chewy fresh stinky burned strong Chinese American Japanese Spanish

27 Thank you

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