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Write the names of poems or books which this person has written. facebook by Student Name Author’s Name Mrs. Rotker Birth and Death Dates In what literary.

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Presentation on theme: "Write the names of poems or books which this person has written. facebook by Student Name Author’s Name Mrs. Rotker Birth and Death Dates In what literary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Write the names of poems or books which this person has written. facebook by Student Name Author’s Name Mrs. Rotker Birth and Death Dates In what literary period was his work written? Describe characteristics from that time period. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. News Feed Status: Share what you think is on the author’s mind.

2 Select a poem the author wrote, which you think this author would want to share with others. Write the poem in this space. 1.Identify patterns of imagery and/or symbolism from this work. 2.Identify elements in the poem and relate them to theme or underlying meaning. 3.Relate poem to its historical background. 4.Relate poem to works from other time periods. 5.Is this poem still relevant today? Why? facebook by Student Name Author’s Name Mrs. Rotker Friends List other potential author friends who lived during the same time period Likes List things/organizations you think the author would like.

3 Extra space for whatever you like. Suggestions are listed below. Author’s Favorite Movies Author’s Favorite Music Author’s Favorite Songs facebook by Student Name Author’s Name Mrs. Rotker Additional Info More Pictures

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