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Year of birth Hometown The place she is living now The school she went to The musical instruments she plays 1974 Kunming Canada Shanghai.

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11 Year of birth Hometown The place she is living now The school she went to The musical instruments she plays 1974 Kunming Canada Shanghai Conservatory of Music The pipa and the guzheng

12 1974 5 years old 6 years old 11 years old 1990~1993 1993~1996 1996 She was born in 1974. She learnt to play the yueqin from her mother. She has played the pipa since the age of six. She has given concerts since 11. She studied the pipa and the guzheng in Shanghai Conservatory of Music. She worked as a pipa soloist of the Kunming Music and Dance Troupe. She moved to Canada with her husband.

13 1.What does Liu Fang enjoy about performing? 2.What makes her feel depressed or lonely? 3.What does she want to do with other musicians? 4.What is her ambition regarding Chinese music?

14 1.What does Liu Fang enjoy about performing? 2.What makes her feel depressed or lonely? She enjoys the atmosphere in a concert hall. When she has no concert for a long time.

15 3.What does she want to do with other musicians? 4.What is her ambition regarding Chinese music? She wants to work with them. She wants to compose her own music, and introduce classical pipa/ guzheng music everywhere.

16 dianju 滇剧 ( 云南的地方剧种 ) troupe /tru:p/ n. 剧团 school n. 学派 The same is true of/for … influence cn. 有影响的人 ( 物 ) singing n. 声乐, 歌唱 be closely connected to give life to It’s the same with… combine to do in public share the feelings and ideas with… make contact with master musicians

17 There are many different pipa schools, and each one has its special way of interpreting the classical pieces. 琵琶流派很多,每个流派都用自己独特的方式诠 释古典作品。 I also enjoy the time immediately after the concert to share the feelings and ideas with friends and music lovers, listening to their impressions and understanding about the music. 我同样喜欢音乐会后立刻和朋友以及音乐爱好者 分享感受、交流看法,聆听他们对我的音乐的理 解和感受。

18 Classical Chinese music is closely connected to Chinese poetry, so it isn’t surprising that most classical pieces have very poetic titles. 中国古典音乐与中国诗歌关系很密切,因此很多 古典音乐作品都有着很诗意的标题就一点也不奇 怪了。 They give life to the whole painting and they allow people to come into the picture, like a dialogue. 它们给整幅作品带来生机,也使得观众融入图画, 就像与图画进行对话。

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