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FITNESSGRAM Factory Shoals Middle School. What is the FITNESSGRAM? Created more than 20 years ago by The Cooper Institute, FITNESSGRAM is based on rock-solid.

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Presentation on theme: "FITNESSGRAM Factory Shoals Middle School. What is the FITNESSGRAM? Created more than 20 years ago by The Cooper Institute, FITNESSGRAM is based on rock-solid."— Presentation transcript:

1 FITNESSGRAM Factory Shoals Middle School

2 What is the FITNESSGRAM? Created more than 20 years ago by The Cooper Institute, FITNESSGRAM is based on rock-solid research. It's the only health-related fitness assessment to use criterion-referenced standards, called Healthy Fitness Zones, to determine students' fitness levels based on what is optimal for good health. These standards are backed by the highly respected FITNESSGRAM Scientific Advisory Board. FITNESSGRAM Scientific Advisory Board. FITNESSGRAM was developed by The Cooper Institute in an effort to provide physical educators with a tool that would facilitate communicating fitness testing results to students and to parents. The assessment measures three components of health-related physical fitness that have been identified as important to overall health and function: Aerobic capacity; Body composition; and Muscular strength, Endurance, and Flexibility.

3 Tests to be Measured Flexibility – Sit and Reach – Trunk Lift Aerobic Capacity – PACER Muscular Strength and Endurance – Push Up – Curl Up Body Composition – Height – Weight – Age

4 Back Saver Sit and Reach

5 Sit and Reach 1.Remove Shoes 2.Squares hips by extending both legs straight into the box 3.Bends right leg, placing foot flat on floor a fist length away from the side of straight knee 4.Arms straight, hands on top of each other, fingers even, plams down. 5.Reaches forward three times 6.Holds 3rd stretch for a least one second so score can be recorded. Maximum score is 12 inches 7.Repeats 1-6 with opposite leg. Common Errors: Hips are not squared before testing Fingers do not stay together Extended knee bends 3rd stretch not held for one second

6 Trunk Lift Lay flat on stomach Place hands underneath legs with palms on tops of thighs Toes should point away from the body Student lifts upper body off the floor as high as possible, but Eyes should remain fixed on a spot on the floor/mat Measurement is taken from floor/mat to the student’s chin Score cannot exceed 12 inches

7 PACER Test

8 Wears proper footwear Warm up prior to test Lines up behind start line Begins on command, running straight Touches opposite line before next beep Waits for next beep before continuing Continues test to the best of his/her ability Ends test on second correction Cools down after test

9 Push-Up Test

10 Lie face down with hands under or slightly wider than shoulders. Straighten legs and back with toes tucked under. Push-up off the mat with arms until arms are straight Lower body until elbows bend at 90 degrees Continue to rhythm of CD. Assessment ends at second correction.

11 Curl-Up Test

12 Lies on back on mat Extends legs as far as posssible with feet flat on floor Legs are slightly apart Arms are straight and parallel to trunk with palms down on mat and fingers stretched out. Head is in contact with the mat. Fingertips touch other edge of measuring strip on the “up”, Keeping heels in context with the mat. Body is uncurcled completely so that head touches the mat. Follows the cadence of commands using the proper protocol Continues test until second correction is made or completes 75 curl-ups. Records score.

13 Body Mass Index Consists of Height Weight Age Is a measurement to help determine body composition

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