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Unit: European Exploration Topic: Changes in Europe.

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1 Unit: European Exploration Topic: Changes in Europe

2 1. A Global Exchange

3 A. Columbus brought back 1,200 plants and animals to Europe. B. In this way, he began the Columbian Exchange.


5 C. By the 1700s, foods such as corn, potatoes and beans were contributing to population growth worldwide.


7 D. The Exchange was also responsible for spreading diseases such as smallpox, influenza, and measles.

8 Smallpox!

9 Measles!

10 Influenza!

11 What similar problems do we have today?

12 Swine Flu!


14 2. Mercantilism

15 A. Colonies existed for the benefit of the European mother country. B. They served as a market for its manufactured goods, and supplied natural resources.

16 C. Colonists were forced to trade with mother countries and could not buy goods from others.

17 3. Effects on European Lifestyle

18 A. Wealthy merchants dominated European cities.

19 B. Lawyers gained importance for their skills in writing contracts.

20 C. Competition for land would spark wars in Europe and on other continents.

21 D. Millions of Europeans would migrate to the New World.

22 E. 12 million slaves would travel to the Americas for manual labor.



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